The Real Deal

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No pov:

It's been a week since the happy parents announced that they were having boys and Kai got his first of many contractions. All this past week had been filled with contractions, lucky, Kai's boyfriends were always right there with him to help him with the pain. The contractions started to get longer and longer with each one. Zane, Nya, and Hallow weren't surprised if the twin boys will come at any minute. Hallow warned to keep traveler's tea on hand for the exact moment that Kai goes into labor. Of course, that means that everyone, except Kai and the already born twins, is now required to have traveler's tea on hand at all times.

Kai pov:

These contractions suck ass. Everyone now has to keep traveler's tea on their persons and everyone is basically circled around me twenty four seven.

The only time the others aren't circled around me is when I'm in the baby room. Today was no different, I was sitting in the baby room, talking to my unborn twins.

Then my water broke.


I screamed. Everyone rushed in.

"What's wrong, Kai? Another contraction?"

Lloyd asked calmly.

"Water broke!"

I shouted back.

Everyone started to make the traveler's tea to get me to Hallow immediately. Once they finally got the portal opened, everyone ran through. Nya frantically knocked on Hallow's door. He opened it and took me in asap.

Amber lead everyone to the living room as Hallow took me.

No pov:

After Amber got everyone to come to the living room, she got them drinks and food.

The two fathers in the room weren't in the mood to eat, who would be if their partner just went into labor?

Lloyd paced around the room and Cole tried keeping himself busy. Every now and then, they'd hear Kai yell out in pain, Amber and the other ninja had to hold them down.

After Kai was in labor for two hours, Cole and Lloyd fell asleep, not that they wanted to, their bodies forced them to.

After about six hours of Kai being in labor, the others heard a baby cry, waking the two dads, then Hallow shouted,

"Just one more push! Come on Kai!"

Then Kai screamed and another cry was heard.

After a few minutes, Hallow came to the living room.

"Congratulations, you may see Kai and the twins."

He smiled slightly. The others were ecstatic and the two dads rushed to the third.

On a bed, Kai was holding his newborns. He saw the others.

"Do you two want to hold Lance and Landon?"

He asked tiredly. Lloyd picked up Lance and Cole picked up Landon.

Lance was darker complected with white splotches, his hair was brown, and he had heterochromia. One green eye, one black. Right green, left black.

Landon was a lot like his brother, just a bit smaller and he was lighter complected than his brother.

"They're perfect, babe."

Cole sweetly told Kai.

"Yeah, they are."

Lloyd seconded with Cole.

"They are yours."

Kai said.

"Our children, these are our children."

Cole said, all three parents smiling. Nya walked to her brother.

"You did awesome, big brother."

She said.

"This sweet moment makes me kind of want a child."

Zane stated, Jay went red. Everyone else laughed. Kai soon fell asleep and everyone started getting ready to go home.

Nya held Landon, Lloyd held Lance, and Cole carried Kai on the way home. Once everyone got settled in, everyone took at least a nap. Kai slept for the remainder of the day, Cole and Lloyd took care of the two newborns, the others took care of the twin girls.

The rest of the day was relaxed and calm.





???:"We've got two new royals in Ninjago, sir."

???:"...Perfect. Move on to phase two of 'Kaite retrieval'."

???:"On it, sir."

640 words

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