Lab Life 3

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Kai pov:

"Kai... Can you hear us?... Kai?"

I could bearly hear the others. My brain was racing to find a way to escape. The next full moon isn't for another three days! And the girls were still missing! Katara is sick! What am I supposed to do?! How can we escape?!

I feel a slap on my cheek, bringing me back to reality.

"Kai, are you ok?"

I just looked down.

"I don't know how we're going to escape for at least another three days, Katara and the girls may fade before then, If we try and fail, he'll hurt the three of them, maybe even kill them."

I told them.

"So, let me get this straight, if we don't break out now, the girls might die, and if we don't, they still might die?"

Lloyd asked, I nodded. Then, there was a knock on out cell door, it was Dr Fellow. He came in.

"Everyone in this cell, follow me."

Everyone followed him out of the cell and into a common area.

"Wait here, don't try to pull anything."

He told us and walked off. The younger Cole looked at the twins curiously before latching onto the younger Garmadon again.

"I don't remember being that clingy."

Cole said. I gave him a look.

"You don't remember anything about here."

I reminded him.

"It would've been more painful to fight him if you did."

Wu told him.

"I know, I know... But still, how was I that clingy?!"

He yelled, scaring his younger self to tears. Garmadon picked him up and comforted him.

"It's ok little vamp, big you is just a little confused."

He told the younger Cole and sent a death stare to the older one. Once the younger calmed down, clones came in.

"Follow us."

We got up and followed, and they took us to the one room I prayed they wouldn't...




The 'food' storage room...

The walls stained in blood, bodies filling the room.


Everyone gagged, except for the younger Cole and Garmadon. We walked over, one of the clones stopping me.

"You don't."

They told me. I stepped back. The younger Cole and Garmadon we're eating as much as they could before they were dragged out. Both were covered in blood.

"You six, eat or starve."

Something in Cole changed and he walked to one of the bodies and bit it. It looked like he finally figured out that he's a vampire. They, like his younger self, had to drag him out. The others were to disgusted to even protest. The clones closed the room.

"Follow us."

We followed and they took us took a closet, handing the Coles and Garmadon new, white, clothing, replacing the bloodstained white clothing they had. Once they changed, the clones took us back to the cell, the Coles and Garmadon fell asleep almost instantly.

"How could he just fall asleep after eating a person?"

Jay asked.

"I get that the other two have been here a while, so they have an excuse, but our Cole-"

"He can't deny his instincts as a vampire, that's the first time he's actually given his body what it needs in years."

I told Jay, they looked at me in surprise.

"Wait, then why did they deny you of 'food'?"

Zane asked me.

"There is a....punishment? Yeah, punishment system here. If you escape and get caught again, you go with out eating for two months."

"Wait, then why not restrict us all but those two?"

Nya said, pointing to little Cole and Garmadon.

"Because, none of y'all here would've escaped if it weren't for me and my biological family."

"And why did those three just fall asleep?"

Jay asked.

"There is a thing in the carnivorous community called 'blood drunk', if you eat or drink to much, you'll probably pass out in a matter of an hour. Creatures that fall into this community includes, but not limited to, Werewolves, vampires, and mixtures, which are a mixture of three or more creatures."

"That's... Actually pretty cool."

Zane said in astonishment. Then the lights turned off.

"We should get some sleep too."

"Good *yawn* call Kai."

Nya said, we all said our good nights and went to sleep.
705 words

Sorry for not posting in a while, my mom quit her job and it's been tough to find some alone time when I have inspiration and motivation to write. And sorry for all of the 'Lab Life' chapters, I just don't know what else to call them.

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