
540 11 9

Catra'a POV

I wasn't wearing anything fancy, mostly because I didn't expect Adora to be taking me anywhere like that. It just wasn't her scenery. She was too much of a dork, although she is full of surprises. A pair of converse, black jean shorts, and a black oversized band t-shirt will do.

I ran my hand through my short hair and that was enough for me to be ready. I never regretted cutting it short, and I don't think I ever will. It was so much easier to handle and it felt like letting go of my past. It was like a fresh start.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up. Adora was downstairs. I shoved my phone into my back pocket and headed downstairs. "kat I'm going out with Adora!" I yelled out as I slipped on my converse that was by the door. I hear fumbling come from upstairs and my eyebrows furrowed. "Are you good" I shouted once again. She appeared at the top of the stairs with an awkward grin on her face. "I'm amazing! Have fun!" she said before running back into the hallway. I rolled my eyes. God, she's such a weirdo. I put on my other shoe and picked up my keys before opening the door, and closing it behind me.

I saw adoras jeep parked out front and she leaned against it with her phone in her hand. Classic Adora. I smiled when I saw her standing there. I couldn't deny that this idiot didn't make me happier. The happiest I've ever been in a while. It took me some time to finally come to terms with myself—even though I'd never admit it out loud—but I did like her and sometimes it felt more than that.

She smiled as I got closer to her. I couldn't help but smile. She was like a ball of sunshine and as much as I hated it, her stupid energy was wearing off on me.

I now stood in front of her, looking up into her eyes, and my teeth sunken into my lips to stop myself from smiling. "Hi, pretty girl," she said. The words came off smooth off her tongue. My cheeks flushed and I was unable to suppress my smile any longer. "I hate you" I mumbled, crossing my arms against my chest and looking away from her. She laughed and i felt her tug on my shirt. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her. She was smiling her ass off.

She knew the effect she had on me. I'm sure anyone who hung around us while we were together for a few seconds could tell how different she made me feel. I felt a feeling of warmth and comfort in my chest, and sucked in a breath as i continued to stare at her. God i hate this feeling.

"Quit smiling, dumbass!" I pretended to be upset about it but I didn't mind it when she made me smile. I walked to the other side of the car and got inside the passenger seat. It didn't take her long to get inside after. "Tell me where we're going, I wanna know" I demanded.

"Woah there short stuff" she started. I glared at her and she playfully rolled her eyes before buckling up and starting the car. "This is a surprise" she finished. I groaned and threw my head back.

"I hate surprises" I reminded.

"I know" she smirked.


On the way, I noticed it was the same road we took to the lake that one time. The memories started flooding back to me.

"Do you trust me?"

God those words maybe my heart clench. I knew that day that I'd fall harder for her no matter what. It was impossible not to. She made me happy, and made me feel like I could trust her..she was almost too good to be true. I turned to look at her and see her tapping her index finger on the steering wheel to the beat of the music playing. I smiled and pulled my eyes away before she could catch me staring. "This seems a little too familiar. Not much of a surprise if I know where we're going. We've been here before, dummy" I said playfully. Although i was looking out the window, i felt her shoot me a quick glance.

"well it's not exactly where we were before, there's no water this time. You're gonna love it, I promise" she replied.

I continued to stare out the window at the many trees that i passed by. I loved driving around this area, i became obsessed the first time she took me here. I'm gonna admit it, i'm a sucker for views. I closed my eyes and relaxed in the seat, letting the music drown out everything else.

I've felt so at peace lately, with the help of a certain blonde. I've never felt happier. I would give anything to feel like this all the time, but sadly it was only when she was around. Like i said before, she's like this ball of sunshine that radiates all around. And it spreads until it's reached everyone in her path. Instant smiles. I hated it. I hated how she made me feel, but i wanted this feeling to stay forever. It felt nice to not be cold and mean towards someone. I was only like that because i thought it protected me from getting hurt, but i think adora is slowly changing that. And i don't think i mind.


"And we're here!" she stopped the car and i pulled away from my gaze at the view. I looked ahead of me and saw a grassy field. It was beautiful, like a fairy tale. The sunset shone over the field, a cool breeze making the trees sway in the wind.

"lemme guess, this is a really secret place that no one knows about?" i joked, but i kinda hoped it was true so that it could be our special spot. Well our other special spot.

"yep. I find most of these places when i'm out on long drives by myself" she said before unlocking the doors, and getting out the car.

I opened my door and walked over to her side of the car. "places like these help me clear my mind and distract me from what's really going on in my life right now" she continued. I watched as she took out a picnic basket out the backseat and a blanket. A picnic, how cute.

But i also thought about what she said. Maybe she meant her the death of her parents. Something like that can't be easy to get over. And based off the events of that one night..it obviously affected her a lot.

I remember thinking she had the perfect life before i met her. She seemed like she did. Friends, star athlete, good grades, nice clothes and shoes, valedictorian. But i guess i was only looking on her social life and materialistic things. I never really thought about what her home life was like, although i did wonder sometimes. Now i know..


i jumped at the sound of my name and turned around. She was a little ahead of me, holding the basket and looked confused. "you okay?" she asked. I shook my head, ridding of my previous thoughts and nodded, walking towards her. She started walking and i followed behind her, as i had no idea where i was going. I just followed the path she was walking on.

She finally stopped under a huge tree that created a shade from the setting sun. She spreads a red and white blanket on the grass and i took a seat.

She sat next to me and opened the picnic basket. "Okay so i wasn't too sure what to pack so i went to our diner—" i stop her before she could continue."What do you mean our diner?" i asked.

"The diner we went to after we went swimming. Anyways i got what we ordered the first time and i was gonna get us milkshakes but i figured they would melt so i thought maybe we could just stop there after—that's if you want to of course. And then i also packed some fruit, i actually cut and packed these myself—" i drowned out her ranting and just stared at her. She was such a dork. The loose strands from her signature ponytail swayed in the light breeze as she took the things out the basket. I don't know what moved inside me but i leaned in and kissed her softly. She stopped talking and her face turned a light shade of red.

"It was the only to get you to shut up. But thank you for all of this, i love it" I admired the things she put out on the big blanket in front of us.

"I-I'm glad you like it. I wasn't sure what to pack—" i put a finger on her lips to stop her from saying anything else. "Relax blondie. I love it. Now let's eat i'm hungry"


ummmm hi everyone 😘😘
i apologize bc i promised this chapter awhileeee ago
but hopefully i'm back for good
i kinda miss writing so
ignore any grammar errors, i'll fix it later

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 (𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now