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Catra's POV

I heard a knock at my bedroom door and turned my music down, getting up to open it. I thought it was my mom or my sister but i was surprised to see Adora.

I stood there in confusion. She was supposed to still be at practice. For someone coming back from practice i'd expect her to be sweaty but instead she looked sad. In fact, she looked like she'd been crying before she got here. I've never seen her like this, except for the night Glimmer and Bow called me over. I knew that look from anywhere.

"your sister let me in" she said, her voice cracking.

"i figured but i thought—" she cut me off by pulling me in her embrace and hugging me tightly. Her face buried in my shoulder and her arms around my waist. I was shocked by the sudden embrace but hugged her back, my hands running over her undercut and moving up to play with her hair. I don't know what happened before she got here but she seemed to be upset, and the hug seemed well needed.

"hey, blondie," i lifted her face from my shoulder so she could look at me. "we can talk about it if you want. just go sit and try to calm down" i continued. she nodded, walking past me to sit on my bed. I closed my door and followed behind her.

I took my spot next to her on the bed, moving my laptop and books over to give her my full attention. I waited patiently for her to speak, staring at my dangling feet next to hers that rested on the wood floor below us. I could tell from her eyes that she had a lot going on. maybe she didn't wanna talk about it, maybe she just wanted comfort.

"it's just stuff with my parents. nothing new, nothing old. i just have a hard time accepting certain things" she finally said.

"blondie, death isn't something you can just accept right away. it takes time and once you accept it, you can heal properly. i read it in a book once" I responded, playing with my clawed fingers.

"yea well did the book..say that a person can help you heal?"

"not exactly, healing is a self thing. we need to accomplish that by ourselves. and that means letting go of the past and focusing on the future"

She turned to look at me, her eyes low and glossy. "well the books wrong. you've helped me heal more than i've helped myself heal in these past few months"

I stared at her, not knowing what to say. A few months ago i would've said adora was just a friend—a dumb jock who just enjoyed my presence and i tolerated hers.

But here she was, in my bedroom, telling me that i was helping her heal from her parents death. I wanted to question it, but i didn't because i felt like i already knew the answer.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that i didn't notice adora leaning in to kiss me. Her low eyes stared at me with lust. This is the first i've seen her like this. My eyes moved to her pink lips, staring at them before moving back to her eyes. I was nervous but i moved closer, closing the gap that was between us. Our lips connected, feeling like the first time we kissed all over again.

She gently pushed me back on to bed as she hovered over me. I used my elbows to keep me from laying flat on the bed as our lips moved in sync. She bit my bottom lip asking for an entrance which i gladly gave to her.

Her tongue explored my mouth, tangling with mine. She pulled away and moved to my neck, causing me to close my eyes and let out soft moans as she sucked and nibbled on my sweet spot.

Her hands moved up my shirt, slowly, as she made her way to my breasts. They were small and something i used to be insecure about they seemed like they were more than enough for her. She played with both my nipples, earning louder moans from me.

She pulled away from my neck and i opened my eyes to see what caused her to stop. she smirked at me, leaning down to kiss my lips. i kissed back but groaned at the sudden pull away.

"do you really wanna do this?" she asked in a low voice.

i nodded, leaning in to kiss her but she pulled away. "oh come on blondie! don't lead me on like that!" i complained, looking away from her with annoyance plastered all over my face.

"relax kitty, i just wanted you to use your words" she chuckled. "now let me ask again, do you really wanna do this?"

I stared into her eyes before answering her. Would I really give myself up so easy? I mean I didn't give it up this easy to anyone else before, but this was adora we're talking about. Of course I wouldn't say it out loud because it would boost her ego and that's the last thing i wanted, but who wouldn't give it up for adora? i just hope i don't regret it as much as i did last time.

"i do"


The sound of my alarm invaded my ears, causing my eyes to snap open. i couldn't bother to turn it off so i covered my head with my pillow instead, hoping to drown out the noise.

"i got it!" i heard adoras voice say. it was muffled because of the pillow covering my ears but i knew it was her.

i moved the pillow and opened my eyes to see her standing over me. She smiled and i couldn't help but smile back. "good morning" i said, my voice raspy and low.

she bent down to kiss my head. "good morning"

she walked over to my dresser and i assumed she was getting ready since she was no longer half naked. unlike me, who only had the covers over me and nothing under. i sat up, keeping the blanket over my body. i looked at her and suddenly everything from last night was coming back to me.

i ran a hand threw my short, messy hair and stood up. i searched for my clothes from last night so i wouldn't be naked the entire time. "do you think coach is gonna be mad you skipped practice?" i asked, already knowing the answer but i wanted to make small talk.

"oh, yeah, she's gonna kill me for sure" she started and walked over to me. she went behind me, wrapped her arms around my bare body and kissed on my neck. "but it was worth it. i got to spend the night with you"

"yea but is it really worth suicide runs and a lecture?" i asked jokingly.

"anythings worth it if it means i get to be with you.." she replied.

i smiled at her words and leaned into her chest as she held me. i closed my eyes, enjoying her touch. the way my body fit in her arms, almost perfectly. the way how her fingers brush softly against my skin. her lips kissing a part of me every chance she got. the way she made me feel loved.

i can't wait for things to go down 😈😈

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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