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Adora's POV

"I can't believe she said yes!" Glimmer squealed as she closed her locker.

I roll my eyes.

"My ship will soon sail" bow said, dramatically, as we starting walking to class.

I rose an eyebrow at him. "I wasn't aware of your 'ship' " I say, folding my arms.

"Yep. I have a ship, for you and catra, but you're not ready for that conversation yet" he smirks at me.

I roll my eyes once again then walked inside the classroom. I found a seat then put my things down, my bag on the ground next to me and my books on the table. Glimmer and bow sat on the left of me, next to eachother. More students fill the room until I see a familiar face. I smile.

She bit down on her lip as she looks for an empty seat. The only one available was the one next me, which she saw and looked at me. She smirked then walked over to the seat, and sat down.

"Hey adora" she says to me.

"Uh, hey. I didn't know we had this class together" I said, confused on why I never see her in here.

"Probably because I usually sit in the back where nobody notices me" she answered as she dropped her bag on the floor next to her desk. I hummed in response then turned to face the teacher.

The teacher turned around from the chalkboard to face the class, that was now quiet. "Alright class! Today's task is a bit easy. You will pick a partner to do a project on the revolutionary war. The project will be due next Friday and is worth 40% of your history grade. If not complete, you fail. You may began picking and discussing with your partners" the teacher finished and the room filled with voices of students picking partners.

Bow and glimmer seemed to have partner up so I just needed to find a partner. I look over at catra, who was on her phone. "Hey, you wanna be partners?" I ask her.

She looks up at me with a smirk. "You are really pushing yourself, huh? First lunch, and now partners?" She snorts.

I roll my eyes. "You wanna be partners or what?" I asked again.

She turns her phone off, giving me all her attention. "Sure." She simply replies. I

smiled at her and she just stared back at me. I couldn't help but stare back. Her eyes were beautiful. Probably the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. They made her look unique.

My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang. I forgot how short history was. I start gathering my things, along with everyone else in the classroom. I look over at catra, who had her bookbag swung over her back and leaned against the desk. "Are you waiting for me?" I asked, with a rosen eyebrow.

"Duh! We have a project we have to work on together, dummy!" She scolded at me.

I roll my eyes and we walked out the classroom together. "So how's this project gonna go exactly?" I ask her as I walked to my locker.

"Uh..we can do it at my house" she offers as she leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Sounds good. Um...I have practice so I'll see you after" I said, shutting my locker.

"Yeah, I'll see you later" she nods.

I waved at her then made my way to the football players locker room. I had practice but not until another ten minutes. I was actually going to see Lonnie. She wanted to know how the 'dare' was going.

I go into the locker room and see her leaned against my locker, smoking. "I'm here" I say flatly.

"Good. So, how's the dare going?" She asked with a smirk.

"Honestly, it's not that bad.." I answer truthfully.

She rose an eyebrow at me and continued smoking. "Hm. I thought you'd be more pissed about it" she chuckles.

"I am pissed! You're making me break someones heart over a dumb bet that you cheated in!" I snapped at her.

She stared at me then laughed. "Don't forget I know your secrets, adora. If I were you, I'd do this dare. If you refuse, I'll make sure this little perfect highschool life of yours, is ruined. Got it?" She snarled.

I huffed and folded my arms. I hated this. I hated the idea of this. I should've listened to my friends about her. Stupid me. I'm always trying to find the best in people. Yet again, I blame myself. I was warned and ignored it. "I got it.." I replied, coldly.

"Good" she says then walks out the locker room.

I sigh then leaned against my locker, sliding down to the ground.


Catra's POV

I watch as adora walks away from me and to football practice.

I've been making some really bad decisions since yesterday. Lunch date? And now partners? I'm literally breaking my own promise I made to myself.

After my last relationship, I promised myself not to let anyone else in my life. I promise not to date anyone, have feelings for anyone, like anyone nor let myself get attached. But most of all, I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love again.

As much as I wanted to seem to regret saying yes to that stupid lunch date, I didn't regret it at all. There was just something telling me I should say yes.

The bell rang which made me almost jump out my skin. Everyone else was leaving school while I was supposed to be at cheer practice. I'm gonna be late. Again.

I sigh then started speeding walking to the football field. I push open the double doors that lead outside, and ran over to the bleachers. Surprisingly, they didn't even start yet.

"Oh my god, is catra early to cheer practice?" Said sparkles voice.

I rolled my eyes and put my things on the bleachers. "Shut it, sparkles" I snarl at her.

She giggled and went back to whatever she was doing. I hear the same whistle I hear everyday, coming from the football field. I look over at the players and see them running and throwing the ball around.

I never understood the meaning of football. All you did was throw around a ball, run, catch it, score and it's over. It literally has no point.

"Alright! Ladies, places!" Sparkles yelled.

We all got in our places, me being in the middle because apparently I'm the lightest and easiest to throw. Mainly because I land on my feet.

"Tomorrow is game night! Which means, we have to put in work!" Sparkles explains.

"Is this supposed to be a pep talk?" I interrupted.

"Uh..I mean yeah, I guess" she answered. She then continued ranting about how we need to do good tomorrow. It was honestly really boring.


Adora's POV

I walk out the locker room, with my bag swung over my shoulder. My muscles were sore and I had a splitting headache. Gods, I hate when coach weaver does practice instead of hordak. You'd think he'd be the one pushing us when it was really Ms. Weaver.

I push open the double doors to the exit of the school and walked down the stairs. I see catra walking over to her car and I walk over to her. She turns to look at me and takes out her headphones.

"Hey! we have a project, remember?" I reminded her.

"Y'know, I was kinda hoping you forgot about that" she admits.

I chuckle and she rolls her eyes. "Do you need a ride to my place?" She asks, as we stop in front of her car.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Glimmer already left, shes usually my ride" I tell her.

She nods and unlocked her car, getting inside. I get inside the passenger seat and she starts the car.

"Also, warning, I'm not the best driver. But somehow, I have my license" she says out of the blue.

"Should I be worried?" I asked, nervously.

"Yep. Put your seatbelt on, blondie"


𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 (𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now