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Catra'a POV

It wasn't long before it got dark. We ate, got a few laughs in, and talked about random shit that was going on. Now she had her head in my lap as I leaned against the tree, admiring the star-filled night sky. There was a peaceful quiet between us. My black fingernails ran through her blonde silky hair. I wouldn't mind spending all my days like this.

She got up and my eyes pulled away from the sky. She was now facing me. She looked like she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. I rose an eyebrow and she took a deep breath.

"I'm nervous" she admitted.

"Why?" I asked.

"You make me nervous. I know I seem kinda confident all the time but in reality, I'm so nervous around you. I just wanna make sure i'm saying and doing the right thing because the last thing I wanna do is mess things up with you" She stopped and held my hands before she continued. "you make my palms sweaty and make my heart race. Sometimes I don't wanna speak because I don't want the wrong thing to come out. And even though I'm so nervous around you, I still want to be with you every chance I get. You make me feel complete. The whole point of bringing you here was to ask you to be my girlfriend and make it official. But Catra I want you to be so much more than that"

My eyes widen and my cheeks flushed at her words. I was almost at a loss for words. Her words seemed so genuine. I can't say anyone has ever expressed how they felt about me like this before. "What are you saying?"

"I don't know yet. I just know that I want you to be mine, that's if you want me to be yours as well" she answered, squeezing my hand.

I bit my lip before I could get out proper words. This is what I wanted. I didn't want us to not have a label on things, then it would be confusing. But now she asking to make it official and I just froze up. My tail had a mind of its own and wrapped itself around Adora's arm. She looked down and her arm and he chuckled lightly before looking back into my eyes.

"You're purring" she pointed out.

"I am not!" I objected.

"You are!" she argued back with a smug look on her face.

I huffed and turned away from her. It was silent now. I still needed to give her a response but I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want her to think I didn't agree with what she was saying, because I did I just didn't know what to say. "I do want to be yours...and I uh—I want you to be mine" I finally answered.

"So I guess that makes us official?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

I looked up at her and grinned. "it does" I responded.

"and what do we do now?" she leaned in closer with that same smug look on her face.

"I don't know what should we do?" I playfully asked, going along with her clueless act.

"I think we should kiss, you know like people in the movies do," she says before connecting our lips. Her warm lips tasted like strawberries, which was probably from all the strawberries she ate earlier. She put her hands around my waist and pulled me closer and onto her lap. I wrapped my arms around her neck, my right hand tugging slightly on her hair.

We've kissed many times before but this was different. It was getting heated quickly and wasn't something I expected to happen so fast.

She brought her hand up my shirt and ran her fingers up and down my toned body. I bit her lip, asking for an entrance which she gladly gave me. Our tongues moved in sync as her hands roamed my body.

I felt my phone vibrate underneath us but I was too caught up in the blonde in front of me to answer. I ignored it, hoping whoever was calling would eventually hang up but it just kept going. Adora pulled away I groaned. "I think you should get that," she said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and picked my phone up off the blanket. "it better be important" I said to myself before I glanced at the screen. it was my sister. Of course, it was her, only Katherine could find something to call about while I'm out. I answered the phone and held it up to my ear. Adora continued kissing down my neck as I listened to my sister be dramatic over the phone.

"Catra you need to get home immediately!!" she screamed through the phone.

"Well, first you need to stop screaming. why do u need to come home, what's wrong?" I asked but in all honesty, I was just paying attention to Adora who was kissing down my neck.

"Because our mother is on her way," she said in a less panicky voice.

My eyebrows rose and my heart dropped a little. I wasn't on bad terms with my mom, unlike my sister. I just knew I'd be in for an interesting few days. My mother was the definition of a perfectionist and a control freak but overall, she wasn't that bad. Just very stressful to deal with.

"Uh, what time is she gonna be here?" I asked. Adora stopped kissing my neck and looked at me with a confused look.

"Well, she's driving! So maybe like 30-40 minutes" she answered. I could hear the panic rising again in her voice.

"Okay relax. I'll be home soon" I said before hanging up the phone. I threw my phone on the blanket and threw my head back, followed by a sigh.

"What was that about?" she questioned.

"My mom is on her way home so I have to get home before she does, or I'm getting a lecture on how it's disrespectful to not be home and wait for your mom to arrive after she's been gone for weeks on business trips," I said, all in one breath. I hated to move on from this moment already but I didn't wanna listen to my mom bicker about it for days.

"I guess we should get you home then," she said, pulling me forward and kissing my lips.

"You can sleep over if you want" I offered.

"I don't think your mom would appreciate that" she replied, a grin on her lips.

"She'll just have to deal with it then" I folded my arms and she chuckled, pulling me in once more, and kissed my cheek. I remember hating this feeling in the beginning, but now it's all I wanna feel.

I had a dream that I stole ham and cheese sandwiches from my school cafeteria..but I'm on summer break so hooray!!
and I'm doing amazing

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