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Catra's POV

I feel the suns rays on my face, causing my eyes to flutter open. My head slightly turns to the right where my eyes catch sight of my half open curtain. Didn't I close it last night? I don't remember.

I push my blanket off me and I swing my legs over my bed. I tread carefully over to my windows and close the curtains together. I prefer the darkness anyways.

I turn to walk into my closet to pick out an outfit for school, but stopped when I heard noise coming from downstairs. The hell..?

I walk out my room and slowly made my way down the stairs. I entered the living room but saw nobody. My ears perked up as the noises started getting louder.

I slowly walked into the kitchen and saw a familiar brunette around the stove, cooking. My sister, katherine. She must've heard me, indicating that she turned around and smiled at me. "Oh, morning catra!" She chirped.

I rolled my eyes. "What the hell, kat! I thought I was being robbed!" I exclaimed and she laughed.

"No ones getting robbed here. I made you breakfast, by the way" she put a plate of food on the kitchen island and I sat down.

"Thanks—wait. What are you doing here?" I ask, with a rosen eyebrow. Shes never really here unless shes on break. But she wouldn't be on break for another few months so there has to be another reason.

"I-uh...I kinda got suspended" she mumbled the last part but I heard it.

"How'd you get suspended?" I asked, slightly shocked. I was more of a rebel than her so I didn't really expect her to get suspended.

"....I burnt down my dorm room" she rubbed the back of her neck.

My eyes widen and I spit my water out. "Moms gonna kill you!" I shout at her.

"Don't worry, she already yelled at me over the phone. She told me to come stay here with you until my 2 month suspension is over" she answered as she folded her arms.

"Okay but you could've invited me while burning it down. You know how much I love blowing stuff up!" I smile at her.

She giggles. "I'll be sure to next time but for now, eat and then get ready for school" she says then walks out of the kitchen.

I scoff. "what is she my mom now.." I mutter as I put my piece of bacon in my mouth.

"I heard that!"



Adora's POV

The bell rang, indicating that 5th period was over. I gathered my things then walked out the classroom, along with the rest of the students in my class.

Glimmer, bow and I agreed to meet up at my locker before 6th period, which is where I'm going now.

I wasn't far from my locker so I got there pretty quickly. When I got there, I saw glimmer comforting bow while he cried.

"What's wrong with bow?" I asked, concerned.

"Hes going through a hard time right now..." glimmer says, rubbing his back.

"Well can I at least know what happened?" I asked, worried.

Bow wiped his tears and stood up a little straighter. "Someone—someone called me ugly this morning and...I-I almost gave a fuck" he said, as he started crying again.

I rolled my eyes and opened my locker. "Seriously? I thought it was something serious!" I say, almost shouting.

"I'm sorry if that doesn't offend you, adora, but hes going through a crisis!" glimmer huffed.

Is she serious?—are they serious?

"Now if you will excuse me, I have a pep rally to go to" she states, picking up her bag from the floor.

"Hey, tell catra I said hey" I said, smiling.

She gave me a thumbs up, then ran through the halls and I'm guessing to the gymnasium.

I turn to my left and see bow still sobbing. I rolled my eyes and grab his arm, dragging him to class with me.


Glimmer's POV

I close my locker in the cheerleaders locker room. I breathed then walked out to the front where the rest of the cheerleaders were. "Alright, ladies! We're just doing a simple routine, it shouldn't be hard. Everyone just needs to stay in place and follow the routine. Got it?" I ask.

They all replied with a 'yeah' 'okay' and 'got it'. I smile at them then my eyes meet with catra. Didn't adora tell me to say hi to her for her?

"Also, catra, adora told me to tell you hey" I say, with a smile. Her face reddened and my smile grew wider. I have front row seats to seeing a beautiful relationship blossom.

I look up at the clock and see that its almost time for us to go on. "Places! Its almost time!" I squealed. We all got in our places and waited by the door for them to call us out. I breathed.




"Let's welcome our fantastic, outstanding, mind blowing, cheerleaders!!"


Adora's POV

"And then, my dad was all like—" I cut bow off before he could finish telling his story "shhh!! Its starting!"

He huffed and turned away from me. I roll my eyes and waited for the cheerleaders to come out. As soon as they ran out, red and white streamers flew everywhere, screams and cheers filled the gymnasium and music started playing. "Wooo! Go glimmer" bow yelled from beside me. I smiled at him then started shouting along with him.


Catra's POV

The pep rally was finally over. Thank god. I don't know how much longer I'd survive doing somersaults and backflips.

I was about to walk out the gymnasium when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and was face to face with a grey eyed blonde.

"Hey adora" I smirk.

Her face slightly reddened and my smirk grew wider. "Uh..hey! You did great!" She compliments me.

"Thanks..." I reply.

"I have to go, but I'll see you at the game tonight" she says, smiling.

"Yeah, I'll see later—" before I could finish her soft lips were placed on my cheek. She ran off while I just stood there. My hand moved to my cheek as I felt my face heat up.

Did she just—did she just kiss me?


Adora's POV

Yeah kissing her cheek was a little bold but I'm getting her to fall in love with me, I have to be bold.

I walked into the varsity football locker room and decided to take a shower. But when I walked into the bathrooms, it was flooded and a sign hung on the door that said out of order.

I sighed, heavily, then walked out to the front where my team was. "Who flooded out the bathroom?" I ask, slightly irritated. Lonnie and Octavia pointed at Kyle and the rest of the team scolded at him. "Fucking kyle.." caleb muttered, annoyed. "Seriously kyle?!" I added.


𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 (𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now