Dance Like Nobody's Watching

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As my family and I reached the house of the Madrigals I saw hundreds of people all entering the house filled with excitement. Luisa was in the front helping people and many of the rest of the family members were greeting the village. Mariano saw Isabela and ran inside. Mama followed behind eagerly. I could tell my mom wanted Mariano to marry Isabela. I still couldn't help but think back on what Mirabel said about her.

I was lost in my thoughts, looking down at the ground when suddenly I bump into someone, accidentally. I look up and come face to face with Camilo Madrigal! "I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I said shyly but worried.

Camilo laughed. "Yeah I'm fine. It's actually my fault. I was having too much fun shifting into multiple people that I didn't see you and I ran into you." He said. "You're good. It wasn't your fault."

I still felt guilty. "No, no! You don't have anything to apologize for! I wasn't looking where I was going. It was my fault." I said laughing nervously. He chuckled. "You're cute."

My face reddened and my stomach twisted. Did he just call me cute?! Camilo Madrigal thinks I'm cute?! As I stared up at him, he stared down at me with a grin on his face. His gorgeous green eyes, his curly and bouncy hair, his smile that curved so beautifully and his freckles made my knees go weak. At that moment I realized how cute Camilo was. I was a blushing and gushing mess. I looked down a bit, shyly and smiled a bit.

"I've never seen you around. What's your name, mi belleza?" He asked trying to meet my eyes. I blushed harder at the name. "Y/n...Y/n Guzmán." I said bashfully.

"Ahhhhh so you're related to Mariano then I suppose?" Camilo asked. "Y-yeah, he's my older brother." I told him.

"Really?! That's awesome! Mariano is cool. He has a massive crush on my prima." He said. "Oh yeah, Isabela." I said giggling, "Yeah, right when he got here he saw her and immediately ran over to her. He claims he's in love with her." I said getting a bit more comfortable but still a bit quiet.

Camilo laughed. "Well he sure is a lover boy, isn't he?" He asked playfully. "Haha yeah, he is." I told him. Camilo stopped laughing and looked at me up and down. "But then again, so am I." He said with a smirk and stare that could just make me melt. I blushed and got quiet and shy again.

"Camilo?!" We heard someone shout. Camilo shrugged, "Well I guess duty calls. I'll see you later, mi vida. I'll meet you in my little bro's room once he gets it." I nodded gently with a small smile. He smiled back at me. "See ya!" He said before running off with his mom, Pepa, who in fact was the one calling for him.

Not too long after, we all gathered for the gifting ceremony. I was on the right side of the room with my brother and mother. As Señora Madrigal said her speech, my eyes crossed over all the people on the other side of the room. My eyes landed on Camilo who also saw me at the same time. His face lit up and he smiled. I smiled back. He gave me a small wave and I waved back. That's when Antonio came out at the beginning of the carpet that he had to walk.

We all waited patiently for him to start walking but it took long than I thought. Antonio looked nervous and scared. He looked behind him and he was talking to someone. He reached his arm out to them and Mirabel came out from the darkness and grabbed Antonio's hand. Everyone was very confused. I saw the look on Señora Madrigal's face, she looked confused as well.

Mirabel walked with Antonio down the carpet and up the stairs where he would receive his gift. His grandma, Señora Madrigal, and his parents, Felix and Pepa were waiting for him at the top of the stairs. Once the two reached the top, Mirabel stepped aside and Antonio grabbed onto the handle of his glowing door. The door glew a brighter color of yellow and it sparkles like never before! I watched in awe as the beautiful light and sparkles flooded the room. I felt a pair of eyes on me, so I looked next to me and saw Camilo staring at me. I looked at him confused and he just smiled at me. I smiled back and we both looked back up at what was happening.

A bird flew on Antonio's arm and began to speak to Antonio. He understood the bird and could communicate with it! His ability was to talk to animals! That was amazing!

That's when a flock of birds flew into the house and many different kinds of animals came running through the house! I laughed at how amazing and exciting this was!

"We have a new gift!" Señora Madrigal exclaimed. Everyone cheered and clapped for Antonio! Fireworks went off and the sounds of joy filled the air!

We were all invited inside of Antonio's new room! When we walked in, it was a whole jungle in there! I gasped at the sight. This was one of the best things I've ever seen in my life! I love magic!

After that, the party really started! Music and dancing filled the room and it was a full on celebration inside Antonio's new room! I walked around just taking in the party and the scenery. That's when I felt my hand being grabbed and I was dragged backwards and onto the dance floor. Before I could even comprehend what was going on, the person pulled me into them, their hand snaked around my waist and with the other, they took my hand locking it with theirs. I came face to face and inches apart from Camilo. He had a smirk on his face and a flirty look in his face. He whispered, "I found you, mi vida." He spun me and dipped me. I was surprised at the sudden action and my face heated up. "Dance with me, hermosa." He said bringing his face closer in the dip he had me in.

I didn't even need to answer him. I didn't even need to do anything at all. Camilo was such an amazing dancer that he moved me like a puppet and was basically doing all the work for us. I knew how to dance, so when I got more comfortable with the speed and rhythm, we were both dancing together.

I was having so much fun dancing with him. I don't have many friends and I'm pretty lonely most of the time. The fact that I have someone to dance with, who is in fact Camilo Madrigal and he's cute! It's just a win win situation! I couldn't be more thankful for this night.

As we were both dancing I saw Señora Madrigal looking over at us. I grew nervous that Alma Madrigal was watching me. She is the woman I look up to, that I am so grateful and thankful for. I had never seen her in person till now and she's actually looking over at me! That's when I noticed her expression. She didn't necessarily have the most warming or delightful expression. She seemed more uncomfortable and or judgmental. This didn't make me feel good about myself. I stopped dancing and looked down the ground, picking at my nails.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Camilo asked taking hold of both my elbows, trying to have me look him in the eyes. I looked up at him. "N-nothing! I'm fine." I said calmly. He looked over at his grandmother who have him a look of dissatisfaction. He then looked back at me and said, "Hey, don't worry about my Abuela. She always looks at people like that."

"You sure?" I asked him. He gently picked my chin up with his finger and said, "Totally." with a smile. I gave him a weak smile before looking back down. "Hey Y/n, look at me." He said softly. I looked up at him. "I promise you that there is nothing you should be ashamed of. Don't pay attention to my abuela. Pretend like no one else is here. Imagine just you and me. That's all. Dance like nobody's watching, mi amor. Cause honestly in my mind, it's just us two in my the world. You and me with nobody to get in our way." He said gently. I smiled back at him and that made him smile wider. Camilo and I stayed with each other for the rest of the party and danced the night away with not a care about who watched.

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