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     After that incident with the glitch shifting, he didn't do it again. Well, not for awhile at least. Since that incident, it's been 3 months. Over those three months, we were normal. Secretly dating and no one except Dolores and Mirabel knew. I would always watch from a far and see Camilo doing his chores and shifting for the benefit of the community.

Everyday he'd come and visit me but he was always so tired, so instead of doing anything, we'd always cuddle. He always said he was fine, but I made him sleep. Those 3 months were hard on Camilo. He had more responsibilities these past 3 months and I could tell it was really affecting him. Alma was giving him a hard time.

We were sleeping in his room one night and I woke up to the sound of his voice. My eyes slowly opened and I saw him talking in his sleep. When I could properly hear, I heard him start talking about us. He was fighting with me. Saying that I didn't love him and that he wasn't what I thought he was. He was yelling...and he began to go off on me...I shook him awake and woke him up.

His eyes shot open and he grabbed onto me. "What is it?! What's wrong, mi amor?!" He asked scared.

"W-what?" I asked, confused.

"Is everything okay? Why did you wake me up? Is something wrong?" He asked concerned. He caressed my face and made sure I was okay. I stared at him blankly. "Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked looking me in the eye.

"Y-yeah...are you?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, but are you? Are you scared?" He asked.

"A little..." I said still surprised.

"Come here." He said laying me down, hugging me. "It's okay. I'm here. You don't need to be afraid anymore." I laid there with him and was scared. Did he not remember what he said or was he just messing with me? I really didn't know but I didn't bring it up again. I was too scared to ask.

The next time something odd like this happened, we were walking down the streets and every l it the thing I did upset it. He would say I shouldn't do this and that. He would roll his eyes at jokes I would make and would walk ahead of me sometimes.

We would easily get into fights and he would usually be the one to walk out. The next day he'd always say he was fine but he wouldn't seem like he meant it.

He stopped coming over after awhile...

For a couple of months I would just watch him do chores around the village. Others he would see me and wave at me weakly but then would walk away. At one point it all seemed so dark.

Then for a year all seemed well and he came back and said sorry. He had felt so guilty. I didn't easily forgive him but he proved himself to me. We started being boyfriend and girlfriend again. We went on dates and parties again, but then...Alma sent him, his siblings and cousins away for the summer. They went to somewhere and I never knew where. She just told everyone that they needed to get away. I worried a lot.

Then gone felt like an endless cycle of emptiness and sadness. The Encanto wasn't the same. Then one day he came back, along with the rest of his family. That day, he came to me and kissed me passionately. It ended up with us in the bed...

He seemed different and yet like he was back. It was Camilo...but he was missing a side of him. It was in my mind for so long, but I couldn't figure it out.

Today was his birthday. He was turning 17 and so I wanted to do something special for him. I snuck into his room and climbed on top of him and kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning, mi amor." I said in a whisper. He was a bit surprised but in a sleepy voice, he managed to say, "Ay mi vida, why are you waking me up so early?" He rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"Because it is morning and your birthday so you should be awake. I want to be with you before you go and do your chores for the day." I said kissing his cheek. He grinned and placed his hands on my hips.
"Well, I'm up." He said sighing.

"So what do you want to do today? You wanna go pull pranks?" I asked him.

"Ehh nah." He said.

"Okay so then how about we sing and play the guitar?" I asked him.

"Nah." He responded.

I frowned. "Then how about we read or walk around town and at night we can go stargazing? Maybe perhaps make out in the forest or go looking for a party?" I asked, biting back my smile with my lip.

"No thanks. Don't feel like it." He said looking up at the roof.

My heart slumped. He didn't want to do anything that he likes to do. To be honest, he hasn't been wanting to do any of this stuff recently.

That's when I thought of something that I knew for sure he would love to do. I smiled and I climbed into bed with him.

"I thought you said I had to get up?" Camilo asked, chuckling.

"Yeah but cuddling with you for a bit won't hurt." I said looking up at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. We cuddled for 10 minutes before he got up and picked me up. He spun us around and turned on some music for us to dance to. He was smiling down at me as I did up to him. We danced slowly in the middle of his room. I smiled so happily and hugged him close. That's when I heard Alma yell, "Camilo! You better be getting ready for today!"

Suddenly Camilo pushed me away from him and glitch shifted again until he was back to himself. "I-uh yeah! I am!" He shouted back. Then we heard her walk away from the outside of his door. I looked back at him worriedly. He looked at me and he had panic in his eyes and he was catching his breath. He noticed my expression. "Ay mi vida, don't worry. I'm fine. She just scared me is all." He said, nervously laughing.

I didn't believe him. He could tell. "I-I'm just gonna get ready. So, I think you should go now." He said as he started rushing around his room.

"Camilo...if you wanna talk-?" I started.

"There's nothing to talk about, Y/n!" He said in frustration.

"I'm just saying, Camilo! You've been tense and a little too afraid of your abuela." I said following him around.

"I'm not afraid of her. I'm not afraid of anything." He said grabbing his clothes.

"Yes you are! I can tell! If you just let it out maybe you can-!"

"Shut up! Geez! How many times do I have to tell everyone that I'm fine! I'm not scared of anyone, Y/n! So can I just please get ready so I can go do my chores?! I just want to get this day over with!" He yelled. I froze in place as he continued to get his stuff ready. I slowly backed up to the window and climbed out quickly. I stayed on the roof a little and felt awful. Where has Camilo gone...?

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now