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    "Wait mama! Let's talk about this!" I said running, trying to keep up with my mother's speed walking down the streets. We were so close to La casa Madrigal. I ran after her but she was fast. Mariano fell behind somewhere. I really don't know where he went.

"Hush Mija! It's already been decided! I'm going to talk to Señora Madrigal." She said walking up to the door and knocking. I groaned in frustration. The door was opened by Mirabel.

"Oh, hola Señora Guzmán! Hi, Y/n!" She greeted. Then she looked behind us in confusion. I heard Mariano's panting and his footsteps behind me. He then reached me and tried catching his breath. "Señor Mariano." Mirabel said with an awkward smile.

"H-hi Mira..." He had no control of his breathing. I faceplates my face.

"Uhhh" Mirabel laughed nervously. "Ummmm, so what brings you here?"

"I need to speak with your Abuela straight away!" My mother said excitedly. Mirabel looked at me and I just looked away in embarrassment.

"Mirabel!" I heard Alma Madrigal shout. That's when my mom pushed past the rest of us and up to Alma. Mirabel ran over to help her Abuela and Mariano passed out on the ground. I groaned.

"Señorita Y/n." I heard a voice all too familiar say as I was twirled around and dipped. I looked up and Camilo was smirking down at me. "And what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, seductively.

I got up immediately and started pacing back and forth. He gave me a puzzled expression. He said nothing. Just watched me pace. He looked down and saw Mariano. "Uhh why is your brother on the ground?" He asked.

"Not important! We have bigger issues!" I said, anxiously.

"Woah. Calm down. You sound like my mom." He said. "What's up?"

"My mom is asking for you grandma's blessing to marry us!!" I shouted.

Camilo bursted out laughing. I glared at him, not joking around. He stopped. "Wait- You're serious?!" He asked shocked.

"Yeah I'm serious!" I yelled.

"Ummmmmm I thought your mom didn't like me. Also, we're 15. Like, yeah i wouldn't mind marrying you but I'm not growing up that fast." He scoffed.

"We're not gonna marry now. It's obviously when we're older. She wants to give back to your family. She suddenly likes you cause now she knows I like you and-" I paused in my sentence and I saw Camilo smirk immediately.

"I- You- Shut Up!" I shouted. He just laughed.

"So? What's the problem?" He asked.

"She-!" I paused and calmed down, "Honestly, I don't know why I was trying to stop her so badly. I mean I don't hate the fact that she wants me to marry you. I don't know, it just feels weird having my mom make my decisions for me." I said defeated.

Camilo frowned and and held my shoulder. "Yeah, I know how that feels. But...personally," He said, grabbing my hands. Pulling me closer to him, " I like the idea of marrying you. Yeah, call me whatever you want. Camilo, the one that falls in love easily and doesn't know what love is, but... I like hanging out with you and you're a really good person. When I look at you, I can't see anything more beautiful and perfect. Yes, I may have only met you a few days ago, but you're still very important to me and I really like you. If we are to be married, I promise to give you whatever you want. I promise I'll take care of you, I'll provide for you, I'll protect you and i'll give you a life that is way better than a dream. You deserve it. You deserve the best, mi amor." He said with a sweet smile. His words made me calm down and my heart slowed down, but grew.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now