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I sobbed out in Mariano's arms in pain. I couldn't stand what just happened. It hurt too much to comprehend. Mariano held me close and stroked my hair in a comforting manner. My mother was shocked but furious.

"How could she do this to us! Alma Madrigal is a horrible woman! Mi vida, don't cry. You are more than enough for this world. You are a wonderful girl who I'm sure would've been nice for Camilo." My mother exclaimed. I just held onto my brother tighter and I didn't want to look at my mom.

"Uh mama, now might not be the best time..." Mariano said.

"What? What did I do?" She asked, oblivious.

"You embarrassed me in front of The Madrigal's! That's what you did!" I yelled at her. "Everything was fine! I was perfectly fine being were I was with Camilo! We were friends! I don't have any! Camilo and I may have feelings for one another but that is not an excuse to go and make decisions for me! If we wanted to get married we'd wait! We've only known each other for a few days, mama! We both know that! We're not just gonna jump right into things! It takes time! You didn't want me to ruin Mariano's proposal and you didn't want me around Camilo. You didn't want me to be the mess, but then suddenly I'm the perfect one. I'm the one that is suddenly getting praise and attention. Mama I don't care! I'm a teenager! I'm not a child that needs everything done by you! I am mature enough to understand where the limits are and where I belong! Who I'm supposed to be. Now everything I lived for seems to be fuzzy no thanks to you. You gave me a bad look toward Alma Madrigal...and you made me look bad in front of all The Madrigals...especially Camilo..."

"I was only trying to help you!" My mother shouted.

"I don't need help!" I yelled. "I just wanted a friend!"

My mother cocked an eyebrow at me. "No...you want Camilo. You want to be with him. Don't lie to me. I can see it on your face. You like that boy a lot...but it's only going to cause problems for our family and between The Madrigals. I agree with Alma. You are never to see that boy again."

"What?! Mama you can't do this to me! Please! Camilo makes me happy! He's my friend! He's the only boy who has made me feel this way!" I shouted.

"There are plenty of other boys in the Encanto." My mother said walking to her room.

"None like him! You don't get it! You don't understand! You're being selfish and cruel!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

"Enough!" My mother screamed. The room went silent. I cried as I stared at her. She gave me an angry glare before going into her room and cleaning the door.

Mariano came up behind me and placed his hand in my shoulder, gently. "Hermana, are you okay?" He asked but I ran out the door and down the streets, crying.

My only thought was getting away from my home...I didn't feel right there. I felt like I couldn't make my own decisions anymore. I was crying harshly and panting heavily. I ran and ran down the empty streets of the town. It was raining and it was gloomy. It was just how I felt inside.

Suddenly I bumped into someone else who was running. We looked at one another and my body became calm and my heart raced. I had bumped into Camilo...

We looked at one another in shock but in relief. We stared at one another. I analyzed his face. His eyes, face, hair, lips...He looked into my eyes, deeply.

"Are you even allowed to be out here?!" I yelled over the rain as it began to pour down. He just looked at me, catching his breath.

I knew he wasn't supposed to be here. I looked down at the floor sadly, hugged myself and began to walk the other way, when Camilo grabbed my wrist in one hand and pulled me back to him. He pulled me against him and smashed his lips onto mine. He kissed me rough and passionately. I immediately kissed back.

A/n: I promise there is no smut.

He began to use tongue and he was easily dominating me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me tightly by the waist. He guided me to an alley and pushed me up against a wall. The kiss was getting even more heated then before. He then started kissing down my neck and sucking, leaving love bites around my neck. I moaned out in pleasure and loved this feeling he was giving me. He then went lower and lower, down my body and lifted my shirt to kiss my stomach. I sighed out at how pleasing this was.

His hands were roaming my body as he kissed my stomach. I giggled at his touch. Then, Camilo began to bring his hands down and was messing with the hem of my skirt. My smiled began to fade a bit. Camilo got back up and kissed me again but his hands were beginning to go into me skirt.

"Camilo...no...please..." I said, displeased.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" He asked cupping my cheek.

"Camilo...we're 15. We met a few days ago. I don't think we should do this right now." I said shyly. "I didn't want you to stop. Believe me I wanted you to keep going, but then we would be feeding into what they were saying back at Casita."

Camilo smiled, softly and kissed me, gently. "I understand." He said, comfortingly. "But that's doesn't mean I'm going to stop making out with you. You're a great kisser. I've been wanting to do that for awhile."

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck again. Camilo hugged me and held me close. I felt so happy and relaxed. I honestly think, Camilo is the one for me. It was a heavenly feeling with him. When he was with me, kissing me, touching me, hugging me and loving me.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now