Proposing? I think not.

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     Señora Madrigal came to pick us up later on that day. The whole town knew of Mariano's proposal. For the first time I actually felt important and special. The whole village walked with us and we're gathering around El Casa Madrigal. They all were waiting anxiously for Mariano to propose.

I saw Camilo at the door and I heard him call out to Isabela saying, "Isabela, you're boyfriend's here!" While shifting into Mariano, mocking him. I giggled under my breathe and I saw my mother look at me. I stopped giggling. Once we reached the house, the whole Madrigal family came down stairs and greeted us.

As my family and I entered, many hugs and greetings were given out to us. As everyone was talking with Mariano and my mother, Camilo came over to me with a smirk. He whispered, "Hola, mi amor." I smiled lightly. However, my eyes trailed behind him and I saw Bruno Madrigal speaking with Isabela. Isabela looked nervous and Bruno looked as if he was trying to calm her down. Camilo looked back at what I was looking at and he sighed.

"I need to talk to you." He said before quickly taking my hand and into a room. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Isabela. She doesn't want to marry your brother. No offense." He said. "None taken." I said a little worried.

"Isabela told Mirabel, Luisa, Dolores, Antonio, Bruno and me that she doesn't want to marry him. She is only doing it for the family and to please the adults. Specifically, our Abuela." He said.

"Oh..." I said not knowing what else to say.

"We all want to help her but we aren't sure how." He said shrugging.

I walked around and looked down at my fingers. I began to mess with them, trying to think of a way to stop this proposal. Then, something came to mind.

"What if we made it a disaster?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Camilo asked.

"I mean, what if we slowly ruined the proposal? Tonight has to go perfect but what if we made it not perfect and made it the worst proposal." I said.

"How?" Camilo asked.

"What id we make everyone get mad and panicked?" I suggested.

"Yeah! All of us can be immature and annoying! We'll say stupid things and the energy will spread to everyone at the dinner table! It will cause a panic and everyone's powers will be out of control!" He supported.

"Yeah exactly!" I said. Camilo grabbed my hand, spun me around and pushed my back abasing his chest. "Ah princesa you are a genius!" He whispered in my ear. I giggled as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go tell the others" Camilo insisted. I agreed and we both went to find Isabela, Mirabel, Luisa, Dolores, Antonio and Bruno.

After we came up with a plan. All 8 of us were ready for this disaster to go down. Yes, I feel guilty for doing this to my brother, but honestly it was for his own good. I hope it will teach him a lesson to not jump right into serious things.

We all sat around the table for dinner. I sat in between my mother and brother. The food was given out and we all began to eat and talk amongst one another. However, Mariano noticed Mirabel was acting off.

"Mirabel? Is everything okay?" Mariano asked. "Oh yeahhhhh! I'm super! Don't worry about me." She said nervously. "Okay?" He said before going back to his conversation with Isabela. Isabela, was being rude on purpose.

"Isabela!" Señora Madrigal raised her voice at Isabela, trying to get her to be kinder to Mariano. That's when Dolores looked like she was about to pop and so she whispered to Camilo. Whatever she whispered to him, startled him so he began shifting into many people uncontrollably. "Camilo!" Señora Madrigal shouted. "Control yourself!"

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now