Mariano's Suprise

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     Camilo didn't want me to leave last night. He wanted me to stay over for the night but my mother told me Mariano had very important news to tell me.

"I have to go." I told Camilo as I was walking off the dance floor. He quickly grabbed wrist and spun me around. "Come over tomorrow, so we can hang out more." He said softly.

I blushed lightly and smiled. "O-okay." I said shyly. Camilo held my hand and kissed the back of it. His lips were soft and brushed against the back of my hand so softly, it sent shivers up my spine. My face became red as a tomato.

"Until tomorrow, mi princesa." He said, smirking. I felt myself sigh dreamily. He was grinning down at me and I was staring up at him. That when my name was called and I left with my family. When we got home from party, my mother took me to the living room and sat me in the couch. Mariano and my mother stood in front of me.

"Mija, Mariano has come to decision about something and we are very excited to tell you about it." My mother said excitedly.

"Okay, what is it?" I said supportively.

"Mariano has made the decision-" My mother began anxiously until Mariano cut her off not being able to hold back his excitement. "I'm going to propose to Isabela!"

My face dropped. "What?" I asked confused.

"Aye! It going to be wonderful!" My other shouted happily

"Wait but you don't even really know her? Would she even say yes?" I asked.

"Of course she will!" Mariano persisted, "Earlier tonight we spoke and she seemed very interested in me! She couldn't take her eyes off me and she couldn't stay away from me!"

I was so confused. "Are you sure that wasn't you?" I asked him. My mother looked at me with a angry glare. "Hush now, Mija! Mariano wants to marry Isabela and if he feels deep in his heart that he's found love, then let him be! Plus it will be good for the Madrigals and our family!" She argued.

She laughed happily and hugged my brother, kissing his face pridefully. I just sat there confused and uncomfortable. I didn't know how I felt about Mariano marrying Isabela.

"I don't even know Isabela or the Madrigals that much! The only one I really spoke to way Camilo. Don't I get a say in this?" I asked trying to remain calm.

"Camilo?!" My mother asked in shock. "Y-yeah why?" I asked.

"Mija, we already told Señora Madrigal about Mariano's proposal. She was thrilled! However after awhile, La Señora came up to me earlier and said you and Camilo were getting a little too close." My mother said.

"W-what?!" I asked appalled.

"Everyone noticed you two, hermana." Mariano said.

"I-is that a problem? That I was trying to become friends with a Madrigal?" I asked, offended. I was starting to get frustrated.

"Of course not, mi vida, but people assume since you both are the same age, that you fancy each other." My mother said. I scoffed embarrassed. I felt myself getting red from both frustration and embarrassment.

"Y/n, I get it. Who wouldn't want to be friends with Camilo, but I beg of you to kinda keep the playful and close relationship out of the way for a bit until I marry Isabela. I don't want anyone to think badly of you or me." My brother said. My mouth hung open in shock. How low could my family get?!

"And me too, of course." My mother added. "Mariano will be proposing tomorrow. We're going over to the Madrigals so we can all get to know one another and become one as a future familia!"

I slumped back on the couch, astonished. My mother and brother are asked out of the room, talking about tomorrow and I was frozen on the couch.

I have to be honest with myself. I really, really, really like Camilo. Marriage never crossed my mind with him but dating yes. It was more appropriate for our age. The fact that Marino will marry Isabela makes me jealous and angry. Yes, good for my brother. He's going to propose and wants to get married. But what about Camilo and me...? I mean I know  I just met him am I supposed to sustain these feelings for him when sooner or later we'll be family?!

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