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     I climbed up quickly on the roof of La Casa Madrigal, calling out for Camilo. I climbed through his window. "Camilo! Mi amor, plea..." My words were lost at the sight of Camilo's room. His room was trashed with broken glass, broken furniture, a lot of broken everything on the ground. His room was full of mirrors that had been cracked and broken as well.

I looked in the very middle of the room to see Camilo on the ground, covering his ears, curled into a ball and rocking back and forth. He was mumbling and his voice was cracking.

I took a step closer and without even looking he said, "Stop. Don't come near me." I stopped where I was, stepping on a piece of glass that which I heard snap and break. "Don't look at me...Don't look at me that." He whispered.

"L-like what...?" I asked.

"LIKE IF IM NOT OKAY!" He yelled turning back to me glitching like crazy. I stood there silent and frightened. "I told you I'm fine. What more do you want from me?! I just wanted to be alone in my room, but everyone is always coming in asking every fricken second of my life if I'm okay! Well guess what, Y/n! IM NOT OKAY! OKAY?! I have to be multiple people everyday if my fucken life! I have to act perfect and helpful with my abuela! I have to act all cheerful and happy with my family! I have to act mischievous and funny! I have to act as if I'm in love with you and that I want to be with you!" My heart sank and was crushed. My mouth dropped and tears ran down my eyes.

"W-what did you just say...?" I asked him in disgust and sadness.

"You heard me, Y/n. I don't want to be with you, Y/n. You know why? It's because I know you only love me for what I want you to see. You see this happy go lucky guy that lives life to the fullest and has a magical beautiful gift that helps his community and his family. Guess what, sweetheart, I figured it out. You only love me for my gift. I HATE MY GIFT! I HATE MYSELF! WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TO THINK THAT I AM FOND OF YOU. A GIRL WHO CAN'T EVEN OPEN HER EYES TO SEE THAT I AM LOST AND IN PAIN. NOT ONCE DID YOU SAY ANYTHING TO ME!" He screamed.


He scoffed. "So you are scared of me?! That's great! Just great! That's exactly what I thought! Turns out I was right! You know, I can't deal with anybody right now, Y/n?! I can't even deal with myself! I hate myself! If you're just going to fight me on this we'll then fuck you! We're done! That's it! We're over! I don't need you!" He yelled back at me.

"Fine!" I screamed at him. I began to walk away and towards the window. His expression changed, looking like a sad puppy. He struggled to stand and walk but he limped over whimpering and whining saying, "Wait no! Y/n...mi amor! Please!" He grabbed me arm as he fell to the ground. I looked back at him in anger and heartbreak. "Baby, please...mi vida...I love you! I love you so much! I didn't mean it." I snatched my hand away and yelled, "Go fuck yourself!" Then I climbed out of the window.

As I climbed out, I turned back to him and saw a terrifying sight. I'm his dark room, with broken pieces of furniture and glass, Camilo aggressively crawled towards me on the floor, looking absolutely horrifying and zombie like! He was was glitching like crazy! His green eyes that's were once so beautiful and heavenly we're now glowing in an evil and scary manner. He was grabbing into glass and his hand became bloody. As he crawled towards the window, crying to me, he was screaming, "Mi vida!! Y/n!! Y/n!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!! I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU, Y/N!!!!!" I was horrified so I quickly ran to the edge of the roof and climbed down as quickly as possible. I could still hear him. "PLEASE COME BACK!!! I NEED YOU!!! PLEASE!!! Y/N!!!!!!"

I cried so hard and I ran for home. I could hear him crying out in pain, but I didn't look back. I fell in the middle of the street and began to cry out. I hugged myself and I couldn't breathe. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I look up quickly and I saw Mariano there holding me. I hugged him so tightly and felt safer with him. I cried into his chest and he picked me up and took me.

When I saw my mother I ran over and hugged her. "You were right! You were right all along!" I cried to her. She held me and cried. "I'm sorry, mi vida."

"Don't! Don't call me that. Please don't call me that!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry..." My mother cried out and held me so close. My brother hugged the both of us and in that moment I felt safer than I had even been.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now