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The next day Mariano and I went to the jewelry store to by Isabela a ring. He ran all over the store trying to find the perfect ring. I just stood there in the middle of the store watching him run around like a dog searching for it's bone.

I sighed and walked towards the necklaces to look at them. I personally loved necklaces. Out of all jewelry pieces, necklaces were my favorite. I scanned all the necklaces and my eyes landed on one.

It was very beautiful

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It was very beautiful. I have a fascination with keys and to see a beautiful necklace in the form of a key was all to make me love it. The green is was also caught my attention. It reminded me of Camilo's eyes. I smiled down at the necklace. Suddenly a figure slid next to me and I jumped and looked up from the necklace. The persons face brought themselves closely underneath my face and I was staring down, inches apart from Camilo. He had a flirty smile and a glint in his eyes. "Hola, mi vida." He said seductively.

I blushed immediately and backed up from him. I looked around for Marino but I could hear him in the back talking to the owner. "Camilo! What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"I was walking around town, hoping to see you. I saw you through the window and the fact that Marino is proposing to my cousin, I figured you'd be in here with him looking for a ring." He said casually.

I awkwardly stood there and looked around making sure no one was looking at us. "What's wrong? Scared someone may see us?" Camilo asked. My head snapped towards the curly haired boy. "No! No! Not at all! It's just-" I started. He cut me off. "No it's okay. I got the talk too."

"Talk?" I asked him.

"Yeah. My Abuela explained Mariano's proposal this morning to the family. Then after breakfast she came up to me to talk to me about you and how we couldn't see each other in that way." He playfully laughed. He then looked at me in the eyes and teasingly asked. "Is it true?"

"I-is what true?"

"That you were looking at me all night and you had a smile plastered on your face the entire time you saw me or were with me?" He said with a wink.

My blush was beyond red by this point. My heart pounded and my body was getting weaker. "N-no! I mean yes. I mean maybe. Well...you were just very fun to hang out with and-"

"Nahhh I get it. I know you have a crush on me, hermosa. I mean who couldn't resist me?" He said smirking.

I glared at him and began to walk around him. "No, no, no, no, no wait! Y/n I didn't mean it like that! I was just playing around! Come on!" He said grabbing my wrist. I turned back around to face him.

"Hey, if you didn't like that, I could always be a guy with a beard, great hair and muscular if you want?" That's when Camilo shifted into the guy he had just described. I cocked an eyebrow and grinned a little bit. "Orrrr I can be like this?" He said shifting into another guy. This guy was very attractive but-

"Step right up and take your pick! Which guy will Y/n choose?!" My face frowned. Camilo kept going. "Will she choose el chico aficionado?" He said shifting into a guy that was very strong. "El hombre musculoso?!" He said changing into a guy who was muscular. "Or perhaps el-" I cut him off by cupping his face, which made him stop and switch back to himself. He looked confused.

"Camilo...I like you for you. You don't need to be strong or muscular. You don't have to have a beard or great hair. All I want is for you to be yourself. That's all I care about. That's who I like. It's who I prefer." I said softly, looking into his eyes.

He had a surprised expression on his face, that slowly merged into a smile. I smiled back. Camilo then began to lean in but before he reached my lips I placed a finger over his lips. Instead of kissing my lips, he kissed my finger. "Slow down, chico amante." I giggled. He groaned and buried his face in my neck and hugged me.

"You're too cuteeeee." He said, muffled in my neck. His breath tickled me and made me giggle and blush a light pink. "Okay, okay! Go on and get out of here before Mariano comes back out!" I exclaimed. He groaned again. "Fineeeeee." He whined.

I waited for him to let go of me but it took a second. There was a silence and he was still holding me. I opened my mouth to speak but that's when he quickly kissed my neck and ran out of the store laughing. I gasped and turned around about to yell out at him but realized that someone could probably hear me so I couldn't yell at Camilo. I placed my fingers on his kiss and my face heated up. My mouth swirled into an awkward smile and I nervously laughed. That's when I heard him...

"WOOOOOOOO!!!!" I heard from Camilo and he ran down the streets of the village. It echoed throughout the entire town. I smiled softly and but my lip. I really, really, really, really, REALLY like Camilo.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now