Two Dark Stars

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     Since Camilo was mad, I didn't go outside. I knew that if he probably saw me he'd get even more upset, so I just stayed inside my room the whole day. However, around 8:30pm, I heard a knock at my window. I sat up cautiously from my bed and looked over to see who was at my window. To my surprise I saw Camilo.

I got up in my bed and open the window but said nothing. He was looking down in shame. His glossy, watery eyes looked up at me and he spoke, "Y/n...I'm sorry...I shouldn't have snapped and I shouldn't have said any of that. You're right, I'm not fine. I've been completely different and...scared. You know I love my abuela but...she is pretty scary sometimes. Especially when you have to follow every single rule that she makes and do everything she says. Be who she wants you to be, ya know?"

I stared up at him through my eyelashes. I didn't respond. He grabbed my hand. "Look I know I haven't been the best boyfriend. I know I don't deserve you, but I am going to do better. I'm going to make it up to you." He said with a smile. I didn't smile back. "'s getting dark, which meannnnnsssss." He started. That's when a smile crept on my face. "Stars..." I whispered. He smiled and dragged me out of my window.

We ran into the forest and found the area we usually stay in when we stargaze. Our little spot in the forest. "My birthday isn't over yet and I wouldn't want to spend it without you. I'd like to stargaze and cuddle with you here in the forest. That's my birthday desire." He said sitting down on the floor. I sat next to him and he grabbed me and began rolling around with me in his arms. We both laughed out loud and he began to tickle me. I kept telling him to stop but he wouldn't. It wasn't until I couldn't breathe was when he stopped and brought me close on his arms.

We cuddled as we watched the stars. We pointed some out that were in shapes and others that were brighter than others. Then he pointed at a bright star. "That one is you, mi vida." He said softly. I looked at it and asked, "Why?"

"Because you are the brightness in my life. In my dark, dark life. The sky is dark. That one star lights up the whole sky." He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and kissed him on the lips. I pointed to the one right next to it. "That one is you." I said.

"Why is that, mi amor?" He asked looking up at the star. "Because...even though it's dark, my star will always be there to go anywhere with you. Around and around the world over time and years and years. We'll still be bye each other and I'll be there to brighten you up or whatever your sky holds. Just know that I'm always here for you and that you're not alone..." I told him. He got up on his elbows and looked at me. I turned to face him. "What?" I asked.
Camilo then grabbed my face and kissed me so passionately. I kissed back with the same energy.

"I love you, Y/n." He said as he parted from the kiss. "You are the best girl I could ask for." I smiled, blushing bright red. "I love you too, Camilo."

Those two stars were our main focus when stargazing now. They would remind us of each other. Wherever we were or how far we were we would still see the same sky. We would still see the same two stars that symbolized our love. It symbolized us.

One day, we were walking the town and Camilo and I walked hand in hand. However, it came to my attention that Camilo was being oddly quiet. I mean he's been more quiet but he was a little too quiet today.

"Camilo? Are you okay?" I asked trying to look at his face. The expression on his face was just...blank. He was staring off at the ground and he looked dead. He was very pale, his eyes were droopy, his hair a was bit messy and he had a dead expression. "Camilo?" I shook his arm a bit but it did nothing. I stopped walking and let go of his hand. When our hands split, I felt warmth on my palm. I didn't even realize how hot it was today...nor did I realize how cold his hand was...

"Camilo!" I yelled out to him, but he kept walking. I ran up in front of him and stared shaking him. He began to glitch shift, again! This time he didn't stop. "Camilo please! Talk to me!" I yelled out in fear. People around the town began to look over at us.

I tried holding him back from continuing to walk but he was like a robot. He had no control and just kept walking forward. I grabbed onto his arm yelling for him to stop. I was panicking and crying. I pulled on his arm and tried to stop him, but that's when he turned around and slapped me in the face, causing me to let go and fall on the ground. I held my face in pain and cried. I looked up at him in shock. He looked down at me in anger. "Leave me alone!" He yelled. "What do you want from me! I'm just walking here! Why do you think I'm always not okay?! Huh?! I'm fine! I'm fucken fine! You're the one who's not fine! Like what the hell is your problem, Y/n?! Just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean I'm not okay! So shut the hell up!"

"Camilo I-..."

"Just shut the hell up! You are making things worse! Stop forcing me to be something I'm not! Just leave me alone goddamn it! Leave me alone!" He yelled before quickly walking away and back tin the direction of Casita.

I stayed on the floor in shock and in tears. My hands shook and I couldn't move. I looked up and saw what looked like the majority of the town surrounding me. I sobbed out loud and held my heart tightly. That's when some of the people of the town split to make a pathway for someone. I looked up to see Alma walking through and over to me. My eyes widened in fear.

"I told you, mija. I told you this was all going to end in ruin. You and Camilo aren't right for each other. You're making him worse. You are the one destroying my beloved grandson. Don't you see? The more you try and help, the more you rush things, it only makes him worse!" She shouted.

"No! Don't you dare say that! At least I'm trying to help! Unlike you who is working him to death and making him be someone he's not! You are always pressuring him and making him depressed. Don't you tell me that I am hurting him because all I've seen is him afraid of you! Afraid of what you might say about us! If you at least tried and let us be! If we don't have to secretly see one another, maybe Camilo would've been fine! He would've been able to be himself! Be free do do what he wants, but no! You are only bringing out the worst in him!" I screamed at her, getting up.

"Don't you ever!" She yelled back at me.

"He is like this because of you! Don't tell me otherwise because I know him better than you! You selfish, cruel, woman!" I shouted before walking away and pushing past everyone. I ran and ran until I reached Casita. I was going to end this, now.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now