Those Three Words

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     I ran as quickly as I could. My heart racing and my blood rushing through my body very fast. I panted don't heavily but I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop running. I ran as if my life depended on it. I looked back to see if I was still being chased. It didn't matter. I still kept running. My chest grew tight and I was losing my breath every second I ran. It was harder to run in the forest with a bunch of trees standing around and twigs and branches sticking up from the ground.

I felt myself slowing down, until I heard footsteps running at me. I picked up my speed again but it wasn't fast enough. I scream as a body threw itself on me and began to try to grab my wrists but I fought back. I was screaming but he covered my mouth with a kiss. I laughed into the kiss and kissed back passionately. Once he hovered his face over mine, I hit him.

"Ew! Camilo! Change back! That's disgusting!" I yelled at him with an embarrassed smile, playfully hitting him. Camilo was shifted into a kid our age named Miguel from the town. He just kissed me as Miguel! That's gross! Camilo just laughed. He shifted back into himself and I smiled. I cupped his face and connected our lips. He kissed back sweetly.

Camilo would visit me everyday in secret. Sometimes he even snuck me into Casita and we would make our and or cuddle. Everyday felt better and better. Though we hated lying to our families, we were happy together. One day, Mirabel walked in on us cuddling. She just stood there in shock and closed the door. Camilo came up to her earlier that day and begged her not to tell. She said she wasn't gonna tell anyways. She liked us together and knew we were happy. But of course, not every secret stays a secret. Especially is there is a Madrigal that can hear everything. Dolores heard us all the time in Camilo's room. She said nothing though. She did eventually come up to us and told us to be careful, but she was 100% supportive of us.

When other came into the room while I was there, like Alma, I hid in the closet or underneath the bed. Alma would ask, "You're not thinking of Y/n, are you?"

Camilo would respond. "What?! No. I'm over her. I realized that I need to focus more on the family and the community. I have my responsibilities with my gift. I cant waist it on a girl." It kinda hurt but I knew he was lying to let it slide. Alma would smile and walk out. She believe Camilo doesn't care about me anymore. Dolores, Mirabel, Camilo and I know that's not true.

Camilo would have chores everyday. He's go around shifting into people to help around the community. It would take awhile for him to get back, but when he did, he would take me stargazing, we'd walk around in the forest, he'd take me dancing, to parties and on little picnics. He even bought a beautiful yellow guitar so that he could sing to me. We'd go to the library and we'd read together, we'd sing, and dance. It was perfect.

I began to kiss him down his neck and he grew tense. He began squirming a little and I could hear him breathing heavily. "Y/n...wait..." He said. I didn't stop and unbuttoned his shirt and opened it to kiss his bare chest. As I kissed his soft and smooth skin I heard his breath out louder. "Y/n stop!" He yelled, angrily as he shifted into multiple people above me, like a glitch, before shifting back into himself. I got scared and backed my head onto the ground, completely laying down and I let go of him.

He hovered above me just staring at me, worriedly. I stared back in surprise. He rose his hand below him and stared at it in horror. His hand was shaking so much. He began to panic. His breathing wasn't controlled. "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean too-" He said frightened. He began to choke up and tears were forming in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." He whispered, got off of me and sat there, hugging his knees.

I slowly sat up from the ground and gently crawly over to him. He looked away from me. I raised my arm and softly placed my hand in his shoulder. "Camilo...? Are you okay...?" I asked quietly.

"Y-yeah... I think so...I just- I don't know what came over me?" He responded, weakly.

I hugged him. "It's okay, mi amor. I promise it's okay." He slowly looked up at me with a surprised expression. "D-did you just call me...amor...?" He asked. I gently grinned and nodded. He smiled at me and scanned my face. He cupped my cheek with one hand and rubbed it with his thumb. He then placed his forehead in mine. "I love you, mi vida."

My heart raced and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. I blushed softly and smiled. He said it...he said the three words. "I love you too." I said back.
He smiled widely and kissed me softly on the lips.
For the rest of the day, we laid back on the ground and cuddled under the stars in the beautiful and calming forest.

               That glitch still worried me though...

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now