I like you. I know.

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     The next day, my mother wouldn't let me out of the house. She didn't want me running into the Madrigals. Much less, Camilo. I locked myself in my room and was angry. I've never really been angry with my family before. Sure they have gotten on my nerves a couple of times but this is a whole different level. I finally make friends and just because of what happened yesterday, my mother doesn't want me seen by the village and Madrigals today.

I was beyond bored all day. All I could think about was Camilo. I missed him. His smile and his beautiful enchanting green eyes. His soothing and yet deep voice was enough to take my breath away. I was happy when I was around him.

I stayed up in my room and did nothing but walk around the tiny space and lay down. I did however, find a book and began to read it.

That night when my family and I went to bed, I stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. He was in my mind. I was also too bored to sleep. That's when I heard a tapping sound at my window that was right next to me. My body froze and I inhaled sharply. I clutched onto my blanket and didn't move a single muscle. My heart rate was so fast and the thumping of my heart was loud. The tapping came again. I got under the sheet and hid from whatever was at my window. I was shaking and felt so vulnerable.

"Pssst. Princesa?!" I heard a familiar and beautiful, soothing, muffled voice whisper. I slowly lower the blanket off my head and underneath my eyes. I was a pair of green eyes staring back at my e/c ones.

"Camilo?" I asked softly, still a little scared.

"Sí, mi amor." He said gently with a smile, "It's me." I got up and out of my blankets. I crawled over to the window and smiled back at Camilo on the other side of the glass. I opened the window and there he was.

"Camilo, dios mío! How did you get on the roof?! What are you doing here?" I whispered. He leaned against the board of the window, getting closer to my face. I blushed bright pink. He chuckled. "I shifted into Señor Ramírez and as we all know, he's extremely tall. I didn't see you all day, so I wanted to check if you were okay." He said. "Plus, there's a party not too far from here and I want you to come with." He said with a grin.

"O-oh...I-I don't think I can go, Camilo." I said ashamed and nervous. I slumped down a bit and rubbed my arm. "Why not?" He asked.

"I've never gone out to parties. Also, it's the middle of the night. You should be home. Your mom will worry and create a whole hurricane if she finds out you're not home. Plus, I would get killed for sneaking out behind my mom's back." I said anxiously, feeling myself begin to panic.

"Calm down, mi vida. It's just a party. My mom is a heavy sleeper. I should know cause her stressing everyday makes her sleepy. My dad doesn't mind if I sneak out or not. He knows I'm out right now. As long as I'm not caught by Abuela or my mami I'm fine. As for you, I promise I will not get you in trouble. We'll go for a little bit and then come back. If you get uncomfortable there, we can leave. I just want you to live life to the fullest, mi amor. You seem so trapped here. Strict mother, rules and no fun. I want you to enjoy life." He said grabbing my hands. "If you don't want to go, that's fine. It's your life, your choice." He said with a supportive smile.

My heart began to race and I could feel myself getting numb, due to how nervous I was. I didn't want to get in trouble, but I just wanted to run off with Camilo. I thought about is some more. I e realized my mom has controlled my life for too long. It's time for me to have a little fun. I sighed. "Okay, let's go." I said.

Camilo's face brightened. "Yes!" He whisper, shouted. "Okay! You put something on. I'll be waiting down there." He said, pointing at the ground. I nodded my head and Camilo slid down the roof and landed on the floor. I ran over to my closet and pulled out a white cardigan sweater to match my pink night gown.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now