A Future Proposal

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I wasn't caught by my mother. I successfully went to a party and came back without her knowing. It felt good to be a little rebellious for once. The next morning my mother was over the proposal and was speaking so highly of the Madrigals again. Mariano was just questioning everything. We sat at the table and ate breakfast that morning. Mariano spoke, "Do you think Dolores wouldn't be interested?" I did my best not to laugh.

"Ah Mijo, I don't think the Madrigal ladies are going to be marrying anytime soon. Don't worry, mi amor, you'll get your time. You'll find a girl sooner or later." My mother said.

"Yeah, there's plenty of fish in the see, hermano. You just have to be more patient. That's all. Don't rush into things Mariano. It'll open your eyes and make you see that you're not appreciating what's happening in present time. Just enjoy yourself while you can. Don't wanna grow up too fast, right?" I told my big brother. "Yeah I guess you're right, sis. Thanks." He said with a smile. Ha. I finally got him realize! I looked at my mom and she smiled at me with appreciation.

"Now." Mariano started as he cleared his throat. "I can obviously tell you have a crush on a certain someone." He said with a cock of his eyebrow.

I furrowed my brows and glared at him. "Mariano." I said sternly. "Hey! Just saying! You two look good together. Plus, I'm good friends with Camilo." He exclaimed.

"Camilo?!" My mom asked surprised.

"Yeah Camilo." Mariano stated. "Haven't you seen the way they look at each other and the fact that they didn't leave each other's side at the gift ceremony?"

"I-I mean yes I do recall Alma pointing it out but I didn't think much of it till now." She said still in a confused state of shock.

"Mariano, I don't know why you're making such a big deal about Camilo. So what if I am crushing on him? It's not like anything is gonna happen right away." I realized I just have myself away. I covered my mouth quickly. I could feel myself getting more and more embarrassed.

"That's it!" My mother said jumping up, excitedly.

"That's what, mama?" I asked, confused.

"That's how we're going to make it up to the Madrigals! That's how we're going to keep their family tree growing! That's what we'll give to them after they've been so giving to us!" She exclaimed.

Mariano and I gave each other a confused look. I looked back at my mother. "I'm sorry, I'm still confused."

"You and Camilo! You two can marry each other and you'll produce the most beautiful and powerful of children! Ah I can see it now! My little girl a Madrigal!" She yelled in excitements

I sat there frozen. "What...?" I asked, awkwardly.

"Yes, it will be perfect. I'll talk to Alma Madrigal about it straight away! Hurry and eat your breakfast! We must go to the Madrigals house at once!" She said walking out of the room.

I got up quickly and ran after her. "Wait! Mama, I'm 15 I can't get married?!" I told her.

"Don't be silly, Y/n. Use your head. When you are older, you will marry Camilo. Not now of course! For now you two can see each other. You have my blessing to be with him." She gleefully said.

"Wait ma! What happened to the whole, rushing into things?! Didn't you agree with me?!" I asked, nervously.

"Yes I did! But this wouldn't happen until you are 20 or if we're lucky when you're 19." She said running up the stairs and into her room.

I stood there in the middle of the stairs, nervous and confused. Marriage has never crossed my mind with Camilo. I'm still 15. All I really have thought about was dating him. Not marriage. I mean...I would like to marry Camilo but at the same time, I barely met him a few days ago. It doesn't seem right to think of marriage with him now. This is very awkward.

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