Lo Que Perdimos (What We Lost)

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     A week passed an this idiot was the clown of the town. Everyone was happy to see Camilo back to himself, but I could honesty care less. I didn't want to get sucked back in, just to be hurt again. Plus, he didn't want me either so what was the point.

However...on Sunday morning Mariano shook me awake. He told me that Dolores was at the door and she was shaking and looked scared. I got up and went over to the door and she looked panicked.

"Dolores?" I asked.

"C-come with m-me..." She said, shaking. Then she took off running towards her house. I ran after her calling out for her to slow down but she didn't stop.

We ended up getting to Casita and we ran inside and up the stairs. She lead me to Camilo's door and she stared at it. "Dolores...I don't want anything to do with hi-"

"Shh. I need you to go in there...and...see something." She said, scared. I could hear her heart thumping loudly.

"Is everything oka-?"

"Just go!" She said, nervously. She back up from the door and on the side, facing away from it. "I heard something...I don't know if I am overthink or if my imagination is running wild but I am too scared to look in. I didn't know who else to ask so...can you look in there for me please...?"

"Um...sure..." I said softly, before placing my hand on the door and going in. I heard Dolores began to cry in pain. I began to get scared. It was so dark in there. I found the lights and turned them on and when my eyes adjusted...I saw Camilo's dead body hanging from the ceiling in front of hundreds of mirrors.

I screamed out in horror and began to sob. "CAMILO!! NO! NO!" I ran over and looked up at him and saw his neck bloody and his clothes drenched in blood. I try and get him down but it wouldn't budge. I saw a paper pinned to the rope. I snatch it and read it. It said: "For those who find me, who am I?"

I cry out at the top of my lungs and yell for help. I heard footsteps run up the stairs and come into the room. I heard screams from everyone in The Family Madrigal.

"CAMILO!! NO, NO! NOT MY BOY!!" I heard Pepa cry out. Everyone was crying and panicking. Many of them ran over and untied him from the rope. His mother held him crying out in pain, rocking her son corpse in her arms. His father was praying to God, begging, asking why he had done this to them. Asking for him back. This only hurt me even more. My chest tightened and I was crying uncontrollably.

Alma ran in and was horrified at what she saw. "CAMILO! NO!" She screamed before running over to Camilo.

"NO! NO! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" I screamed at her as I grabbed onto Camilo's body tightly. I was hugging him close. Even if he was dead, he was still mine. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM AND I LOVED HIM!" I screamed. Alma looked at me sadly and attempted to pick me up. "NO! GET AWAY! STAY AWAY!" I shouted. She ended up pulling me off of him gently and taking me out of the room. I tried to fight her and try to get back to him but she pulled me into her room.

When she let me go, I collapsed onto the ground and sobbed. I hugged myself so tightly and I couldn't comprehend everything. It was all happening so suddenly. "W-what do you want from me?!" I shouted.

Alma looked down at me with tears streaming down her eyes. "Mija, I am...so sorry..." She said crying. I looked up at her confused. "I wanted him to be what I saw him to be so badly. I noticed the candle was dying. I thought that because he was with you, the candle was giving a sign. A bad sign. That you were going to break him. You were going to ruin his life and our family miracle. I was so afraid that you were going to take him away from his home...his Encanto. I didn't want him to waist his gift just for you. For a girl. I thought- I thought he would be happier without you. Where he could be more focused on his priorities and his responsibilities, that I forgot to give him freedom and happiness. I realize now that...you were his freedom and happiness. You were only helping the miracle. You were his miracle...and I am, so sorry... I never should've said those things to you. I should've never treated you like that.... I never should've drove him away from you." She began to sob and cry out. She was heartbroken and she was so sorry.

I got up and hugged her. We both cried and embraced one another. We were both very sorry.

What We Lost (Camilo X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now