Dos Estrellas Brillantes (Two Bright Stars)

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The whole town had a beautiful funeral for Camilo Madrigal. Everyone lined up on the sides of the streets with candles and flowers. The Madrigals walked down the streets and into the forest. They had buried his body in the part of the forest we always hung out in. The whole town prayed to God and his angels to watch over Camilo.

Slowly everyone began to leave. The last ones there were The Madrigals and me. We watched his grave for hours, not saying a words. It wasn't until it was late at night when everyone left. I was alone with Camilo. My tears created a puddle below me. It was so was never quiet here.

I never even got to say I'm was sorry...I didn't even say I love you again...if I wouldn't known I was going to lose him, I would've said I love you with a deeper meaning...

I stared up at the sky. I took a deep breath. It was a cold night. The air was fresh but the sky was dark. I closed my eyes, hoping that this was all a dream. Sadly, it wasn't.

That's when I felt the wind blow colder and harder. I felt a presence. I felt arms around me and something placed on my lips. I open my eyes quickly was nothing. The feeling was...strange...and yet all too familiar.

I looked back up at the sky and noticed a change in the sky. Two stars, side by side, one was bright and the other that was once dark...was brighter. I stared up at the sky and realized...Camilo was going to be okay. He's in a better place and clearly was happier. A year fell from my eye. Camilo was here. He was the presence I had felt. He is now a star shining bright above me. I smiled and sighed. I was relaxed. I was better.

I looked down at his grave and blew a kiss to him, before walking back to the village. I had thought about what we went through. I realized that many of us messed up, but in a way, that's okay. It's just life. I finally understood and accepted that Camilo wasn't happy. I am learning from my mistakes. Next time I will know and be prepared. What other people need to see is that when life seems too great, there's always something dark hiding in the shadows. Even the most joyful person can be hiding the their darkest thoughts. When you lose someone that you love it's painful, but when that person loses themself, that's worse. A different kind of pain.

When I got back to town, it was dead silent. I took a few steps out of the forest, until I heard the sounds of the bushes next to me rustling. I backed up a bit from the bush, but then a head popped out from the bush, looking the opposite direction. I held my breath in fear, but the head turned around to reveal Bruno Madrigal.

"Bruno?" I asked.

"Hi." He said with a nervous laugh before falling out of the bush.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I- um...I wanted to tell you something..." He said, looking down at his fingers.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Um...I don't know if I should tell you." He said, nervously.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Becauseeeeee....YEP you know what. Forget I said anything. I'm just gonna go..." He said, walking away.

I ran in front of him. "Wait, Bruno what is it? It seems important."

"I don't know if I have the heart to say it, Y/n." He said looking down.

"Bruno, come on! What could be worse that what just happened?" I said getting frustrated.

"Um..." He lowered his head even lower than before.

"Fine. If you won't tell me, then can I please just go home-"

"Y/n..." He said raising his head. It became silent between us and I waited patiently for what he was going to say.

"I knew Camilo was going to to kill himself..."


                                         The End

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