Mr. Widemouth

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Camilo's POV:
     As I screamed out in pain for her, I realized how badly I messed up. I screamed and screamed but nothing worked. I realized my hands were bloody and that's when I fully felt the pain of my cuts. I grunted from the pain. Then I looked up at all the mirrors and noticed I was shifting into multiple people. I crawled over to the mirrors and saw multiple people in every mirror. I yelled so loud that my family came rushing through my room.

My mama ran up to me and al I could hear was her muffled and crying out to me. She was holding my face and my hands. My papa was right behind her and he held my shoulder. My Tia Julieta ran out of the room. My Tio Agustian looking around the room for a cloth. My primas were worried and at the door I saw my sister, Dolores holding my little brother Antonio on her arms. She was covering his eyes as he cried. She was crying as well. All I could here was muffled voices. My Tio Bruno ran in and dropped down on the floor and hugged me tightly. That's when Abuela came in and made everyone move. My Tia Julieta came back in and handed an arepa to my Abuela.

Abuela made everyone leave and she was left alone with me. That's when my hearing came back. It was so quiet. "Camilo..." She said, sadly as she handed me the arepa. "I am so sorry for what has happened. I knew of you and Y/n, but I didn't say anything about it. Now because of me, you are in pain and lost. I should've said something sooner."

"No...I'm sorry." I said. "I should've listened to you. I realized you were right, Abuela. We rushed things and I was to blinded by love that...that it lead to pain and destruction."

"Love?" She asked. I looked up at her. "Yes loved much. Now she's afraid of me..." I said beginning to cry. She hugged me. "There, there, mijo." She softly said. "You don't have to worry about her now. Now that she's gone, you can let go and be happy again. You can go back to your normal life. You can go back to your chores, putting your gift to good use. You can be happy again."

"I can be happy...?" I asked feeling an idea coming to mind. "Mhm. Of course you can, mijo." She said. "Anything can make you happy. You just need to decide what is going to make you the happiest." She smiled. I smiled back feeling relaxed and relieved again. "I understand, Abuela. Thank you." I said hugging her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Camilo." She said happily.

That's when it hit me. I wasn't going to let anything get in the way from keeping me happy. I felt more like myself from then on. I felt so much better.

The next day, I walked out and did my average chores and duties. I walked around with a smile on my face. People looked at me strangely but I didn't mind. I wasn't going to have them ruin the pleasant feeling I had.

Y/n POV:
     Camilo was acting wired as usual. He seemed fine. Maybe this was for the best...that we broke up. He seems a whole lot happier. I was walking down the streets and saw him working with the brightest smile. It was so beautiful yet so sickening. I didn't know how to feel about him anymore.

That's when Camilo saw me and he waved with a smile. I crossed my arms and glared at him. He jogged over to me and said, "Hey Y/n, how are you?"

I scoffed. "Are you kidding me? I'm wonderful! My boyfriend just broke up with me and told me I was ruining his life!" I told him.

"Well technically I'm not your boyfriend anymore so you're not my problem." He said with a wink and the biggest, stupidest smile. I swear, I should've called him Mr. Widemouth because of his huge and wide smile.

My eye twitched and I grew furious. "Welp, gotta get back to work!" He said before leaning in and kissing me. I immediately pushed him away. "What the hell?!" I shouted.

"Ahhhh so worth it." He said looking like he was satisfied. "K then, bye!" He walked off to the daycare and said hi to all the kids. I wiped my mouth and stormed off down the streets. I passed by Alma who said, "Wonderful day isn't it, Y/n?"

"Shut up, grandma." I said. I could hear her gasp but I didn't care. She was in my last nerves.

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