01• Call Me A Telepath: Part I

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"Oh, come on, Ambrose." Anthony sighs and pulls me along with him to the club, maintaining a firm grip on my hand. "I promise it'll be fun."

I give him a pointed stare. "You say that every time only for me to end up watching you from the bar dancing with random guys until two in the morning."

He scoffs, looking at me skeptically. "You make it sound like you're forced to stay at the bar when you really choose to stay instead of dancing with me or some random guys. Don't think I don't notice a lot of them going over to talk to you only to walk away disappointed when you tell them you don't want to dance."

I grimace and sigh. "Anthony, you know me. I don't—"

"I know," he cuts me off. "You don't want to be in a relationship right now, and that's perfectly fine, but Ambrose, no one's asking you for your hand in marriage. They're just asking you to dance with them."

I give him another stare. "Is that really all they're asking for?"

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "Okay. I can admit some guys ask for a dance hoping it'll lead to... other things," he wiggles his eyebrows. "But!" He raises his finger. "Some guys really do just want to dance with you without expecting more." He grabs my other hand and stares at me thoughtfully. "Ambrose, tonight I just really want you to have fun. I can tell you're stressed with this whole Charmed One thing and dealing with work. You don't complain about it, but I know you. You deserve a normal life outside of being a witch and working."

I genuinely consider his words and nod. "You're right. I have been a bit stressed." I admit to him and a little to myself. "It's just... a lot sometimes, and half of the time, I don't know if I'm doing it right, but I promise you I will try my best to let go and have fun tonight."

"Promise?" He raises his pinkie finger.

I intertwine mine with his and nod. "Promise."

"Good. And I get the first dance because if we weren't best friends, I would definitely be trying to fuck you. You look incredibly sexy tonight!" Anthony smirks as his eyes trail me up and down.

Anthony is the one who styled me tonight, so really, he should appreciate himself. He's dressed me in a red velvet button-up tonight with a couple of the buttons undone at the top to show off my chest. He paired it with some dark skinny jeans and my black leather boots from my Reaper days. A small, gold watch hangs from my left wrist, and my onyx necklace dangles and sways from my neck. Anthony deemed my look appropriately fuckable but still sexy.

"I do look really nice tonight." I smile down at myself.

Anthony rolls his eyes and says, "You look more than nice. Now let's go show you off."

We walk across the street, and I glance up to see a pink neon sign with the club's name. Temptation, it reads. The name vaguely comes to mind, but I don't remember much about it. It must be trendy, though, since the line of people waiting to get in wraps around the corner. I expect us to head to the back, but Anthony surprises me when he starts running toward the bouncer. I give him a curious glance, but he doesn't bother explaining. Once we reach the bouncer, Anthony starts whispering something in his ear while I stand there awkwardly, avoiding the annoyed gazes of the guys waiting in line. Anthony finishes his conversation, and the bouncer unlocks the rope for us to walk through. I hear some shouts of anger from the guys in line but decide there's not much I can do about it.

Anthony and I enter a barely lit hallway where I hear loud music from afar. Some guys are milling about holding drinks and chatting or sucking each other's faces off. We see a door where it sounds like the music is coming from and head in that direction.

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