15 • The Ties That Bind & Break

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(𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝗂𝗀𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝗒𝗅𝖺 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝗉𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖾 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🅔🅝🅙🅞🅨 🅡🅔🅐🅓🅘🅝🅖 🅜🅨 🅦🅘🅣🅒🅗🅔🅢 *:・゚✧*:・゚

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Moonlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Jun's penthouse bedroom, bathing the entwined figures on the king-sized bed in an ethereal glow. Ambrose's breath hitched as Mason's lips blazed a trail of fire down the column of his throat, each press of his mouth against Ambrose's heated skin sending sparks of desire skittering down his spine.

Jun's fingers carded through Ambrose's hair, the touch gentle and reverent as he captured Ambrose's lips in a searing kiss. Ambrose melted into the contact, a soft moan escaping him as Jun's tongue delved past the seam of his lips to tangle with his own.

It had been a week since Ambrose had awoken from his magically-induced coma, and in that time, neither Jun nor Mason had pressed him for details about the test he'd undergone. Part of Ambrose was grateful for their restraint and for the space they'd given him to process the profound revelations he'd experienced. But while they offered him space emotionally, their physical affection only grew more and more intense.

Kisses became more urgent, touches more insistent, their bodies pressing closer as if they couldn't bear even an inch of space between them. And Ambrose didn't mind it, not in the slightest. After the emotional turmoil of his test, the physical connection was a balm to his frayed nerves, a tangible reminder that he was here, that this was real.

He craved their touch like a drowning man craved air, losing himself in the slide of skin against skin, the mingled scents of their arousal, the breathy moans and gasps that filled the heated air. But even as he surrendered to the pleasure, a new worry began to blossom in the back of his mind—a niggling seed of doubt that took root and refused to be shaken.

With each fevered caress, each desperate roll of his hips, Ambrose could feel them hurtling closer to the inevitable, to that final leap that would irrevocably change the nature of their relationship.

Sex. It loomed on the horizon like a gathering storm, equal parts thrilling and terrifying in its intensity. Ambrose knew it was only a matter of time before they crossed that threshold, before the simmering tension between them boiled over into something more primal, more consuming.

And it wasn't that he didn't want it—god, how he wanted it. The mere thought of being with Jun and Mason in that way, of giving himself over to them completely, sent a thrill of desire coursing through his veins. But with that desire came a host of new fears, new uncertainties that threatened to overwhelm him.

What if he wasn't enough? What if, after all the buildup, all the anticipation, he couldn't live up to their expectations? Ambrose had been with plenty of men before, but never had he experienced such a deep emotional and physical connection with his previous partners.

However, this was not the sole source of his apprehension; another fear weighed heavily on his mind—the fact that he had never been with two people at the same time. What if he fumbled, or froze, or did something to shatter the fragile trust they had built?

And then there were the emotional implications to consider. Sex had a way of complicating things, of blurring lines and shifting dynamics in ways that couldn't be undone. What if, in the heat of the moment, one of them let slip a declaration of love? What if feelings got tangled up in the physical act, leaving them all vulnerable and exposed in ways they weren't prepared for?

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