03 • This Dream Won't Last Forever

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I drop the spell and reveal myself to Mason. He looks at me amused as he studies my outfit and lightly chuckles.

"What's so funny?" I ask, feeling annoyed and confused. I rushed down here, and he has the audacity to laugh.

"I wasn't expecting you to be dressed in your Reaper costume," he shrugs. "Are we roleplaying now?" He asks, wearing that casual smirk of his.

I roll my eyes. "No, Mason." I sigh exasperatedly. "I put this on when it's time to kick some demon ass. Now seeing as you're the only demon around, I would start explaining why you sent an SOS before I kick your ass."

That just makes him laugh harder, but when he sees how irritated I look, he calms down. He smiles easily and shrugs before saying, "I wanted to see you. Is that not a good enough reason for you?"

My shoulders drop now that I know he's not in some life-threatening situation. I look at him perplexed, though. "Yes," I say. "But if you just wanted to speak to me, you didn't have to give me a heart attack thinking you were dying or something."

He laughs again. "I just wanted to see the look on your face."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "You're so evil."

"I know," he grins. "But that's a part of my charm. You have to admit I would be pretty boring without it."

"Whatever you have to tell yourself. So what's up? Wait, is it safe for us to talk here?" I ask and look around cautiously.

"I've sent everyone away, so it's perfectly safe. Let's sit and catch up." He flicks his hand, and a small leather couch appears in the corner of the room. We take a seat, and I make myself comfortable. "Would you like a drink?"

"I'm fine," I tell him, thinking it'd be best not to make falling asleep on other men's couches a new habit. He shrugs and waves his hand, making a glass of what I presume is bourbon appear on the small table. He takes a sip and sets it back down before turning his attention to me. "So, how's being the leader of the Underworld going?" 

He sighs and rubs his face. "Tiring. Demons can be pretty stuck in their ways regarding tradition, and without the Grimoire, no one can become the Source. I'm trying to shift them away from a dictatorship and start establishing leadership based on more than just power. We need capable leaders, not one who rules with an iron fist."

I frown in sympathy. "Based on what I hear, everyone is not on board with this."

He chuckles darkly. "If only you knew." He shakes his head and downs his drink in one go. "If I'm not busy trying to get the faction leaders to agree on a new policy, I'm too busy trying to stop them from hurling fireballs at each other. Then there are the members of the factions I have to deal with. They are in turmoil and fighting with each other thinking this is a chance for them to gain power over the other. Not to mention those who believe I shouldn't be leading the Underworld. I've had about..." he looks up to think. "Six assassination attempts this week."

"Six? Are you serious?"

He nods and looks at me intensely. "If I'm not fit to lead, then I have no qualms about stepping down, Ambrose. I'd rather get out of the way if it means making progress. But until someone steps forward and proves they can do a better job than me, then I will be the one to bring the Underworld into a better future." I take in the dark circles under his eyes. He looks exhausted. I've seen myself in the mirror enough these past few weeks to recognize the look. "But enough about me," he sighs. "What about you? What trouble have you and your cousins gotten into as of late, and is being a Charmed One all that you thought it would be?" He asks with a teasing smile.

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