25 • Family Ties & New Beginnings

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Ambrose leaned against a weathered oak tree, his eyes fixed on Naomi as she gestured animatedly, her voice carrying through the forest clearing. The dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy cast a warm glow on her face, highlighting the passion in her eyes as she spoke. He couldn't help but smile, still marveling at how natural it felt to think of her as "Maman" now.

"The Aje of the Untamed Path isn't just a title, my children," Naomi explained, her gaze shifting between Ambrose and Cass. "It's a sacred duty, one that binds us to both the living and the dead." Ambrose nodded, feeling a deep sense of connection to the words, even if the memories behind them were still hazy.

Cass leaned forward, her eyes wide with curiosity. "But Maman, how do we know which spirits to help and which to... banish?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Ambrose felt a surge of protectiveness for his little sister, still amazed at how quickly that bond had formed.

Naomi's expression grew solemn. "That, my dear, is where our connection to the Orishas becomes crucial," she said, her voice low and reverent. "They guide us, show us the path between aiding those who seek redemption and protecting the living from those too far gone."

Ambrose closed his eyes, reaching out with his senses as Naomi had taught him. He could feel the whisper of spirits around them, some peaceful, others restless. "I can feel them," he murmured, opening his eyes to meet Naomi's proud gaze. "It's like... a tapestry of energy, woven through the forest."

"Exactly, mon chéri," Naomi beamed, using the term of endearment that never failed to warm Ambrose's heart. "Our role is to maintain the balance of that tapestry, to mend the tears and guide the lost threads back to their rightful place."

As if on cue, a chill wind swept through the clearing, carrying with it a sense of unease. Ambrose tensed, instinctively stepping closer to Cass. He caught Naomi's eye, seeing the silent acknowledgment there. This was no ordinary breeze.

"Remember," Naomi said, her voice steady despite the growing tension, "not all spirits can be saved. The Orishas blessed our lineage with the power to banish those who threaten the living, those whose trauma or evil has corrupted them beyond redemption."

Ambrose felt a surge of energy coursing through him, a mix of his Halliwell and Maverick heritage intertwining. He thought of his dad, Elijah, and how proud he would be to see him embracing this part of his legacy. The power felt right, like a missing piece of himself falling into place.

As the wind picked up, whipping leaves into a frenzy around them, Ambrose met Cass's determined gaze. They were Mavericks, Aje of the Untamed Path, and whatever was coming, they would face it together. Naomi's voice cut through the growing chaos, "Now, my children, it's time to put your training to the test."

Ambrose followed Naomi deeper into the clearing, his hand clasped tightly by Cass as they ventured far beyond what he thought were the property lines. The forest seemed to close in around them, the air growing thick with an otherworldly presence. As they emerged into a small glade, Ambrose's breath caught in his throat at the sight before him.

A crude burial ground sprawled across the forest floor, neglected and forgotten by time. Weathered headstones tilted at odd angles, some barely visible beneath a tangle of overgrown vegetation. Naomi's voice cut through the eerie silence, explaining how she had stumbled upon this abandoned site just a week ago.

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