13 • Back to Your Roots

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The golden sun slowly descended in the sky, creating a warm glow that bathed the forest trail in shades of orange and yellow. The trees behind the house stretched long in the setting light, their shadows reaching towards us as if begging to join Naomi's daily lesson as we descended further down the soft dirt patch. The air was filled with the sweet scent of jasmine, carried by the warm breeze that caressed our skin. Underneath it was the earthy smell of the forest, fresh and alive. Since revealing myself as a reincarnation and meeting with the ancestors, I've stayed firm to my commitment to learn more about my heritage. I've been meeting Naomi weekly to soak up as much as I can about the Maverick clan and their role in maintaining balance over spiritual affairs. Naomi's voice was soft but firm as she explained the history of the Maverick clan and our connection to beings called Orishas.

"Long ago," she began, "when slavery and oppression plagued our people, the first Maverick, a strong and resilient woman named Imalai, prayed to the Orishas for a way to help her family escape poverty and mistreatment." Her eyes were distant, as if she could see the past unfolding before her. "The Orishas heard her pleas and granted her and her family powers and access to magic. In exchange, they would become the sacred protectors and keepers of the spiritual and mystical realm, providing guidance and support to mortals and spirits."

From what Naomi has told me the Orishas are powerful deities in the Yoruba religion, each representing different aspects of nature and human experience. They are revered as gods and goddesses, and their presence is believed to be intertwined with the fabric of reality itself.

As we walked along the trail, Naomi continued the story, her voice melodic and captivating. "Imalai's descendants, the Maverick clan, have been entrusted with this sacred duty for generations," she said, her eyes shining with reverence. "They possess innate abilities that allow them to communicate with spirits, harness elemental forces, and maintain the balance between the mortal realm and the realm of the great beyond." Naomi paused, her gaze refocusing on me causing me to pause in my steps. "Some might think these abilities are gifts from the gods, but do not be mistaken. It is a trade," she warns, "as are most things in this world."

I nod and she continues. "Every descendant of the Mavericks has an Orisha assigned to them. These powerful spirits protect, guide, and gift us with the ability to access the magic we are blessed with."

I listened intently, my curiosity piqued by the intricate tapestry of my heritage. The more I learned, the more connected I felt to my ancestors and the power that flowed through my veins.

"Today," Naomi said, her expression solemn, "we will perform a ritual to send a message to your Orisha, signaling that you are ready to receive their guidance and the gift of their magic." She gestures to the assortment of tools and materials laid out in front of us as we come to a small clearing in the trees.

Under Naomi's watchful eye, I followed her instructions meticulously. With skilled hands, I traced intricate patterns on the soft earth beneath us, creating a sacred space for the ritual. Candles of every hue flickered around us, their vibrant flames casting a mesmerizing glow that illuminated the unfamiliar symbols I had drawn.

As Naomi began to chant, I leaned in closer, straining to catch every syllable as she spoke in a low, melodic tone. The words flowed from her lips like a river, ancient and mystical, yet somehow familiar. I could detect hints of Creole inflections, but the actual words did not align with any language I knew. There were also traces of Spanish origins, yet the overall dialect remained a mystery to me. Despite my lack of understanding, a deep curiosity took hold as I yearned to unravel the secrets hidden within this ancient tongue. As Naomi continued to chant I could feel that the air was charged with energy, alive with the essence of magic and a meeting of unseen eyes on us.

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