11 • Not Everything is as it Seems

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"Wait, what?" I hold up a hand to allow for a moment to let his words sink in. "You're a witch?"

Gabriel nods, keeping his eyes firmly on the other side of the street. "My family has a long and... dark history, to say the least. To be frank, they would be considered dark witches by your standards."

I carefully mumble, "Dark witches." These are witches who have forsaken the Wiccan Rede and use their powers for selfish whims, completely ignoring the threat of personal gain. Most are considered evil since their freedom from the Wiccan Rede allows them to virtually do whatever they want. I frown slightly as my mind recalls the description given in the Book of Shadows. However, upon reflection, I realize I haven't met many dark witches besides the Sea Hag, if she even counts as one. Does not being bound to the Wiccan Rede automatically label you as a dark witch? The book's vague description makes it hard to determine. "Are you a dark witch?" I ask stupidly.

Wow, Ambrose, are you asking to be killed right now?

Gabriel sighs and leans back against the wall, his eyes crinkling as he considers my question. "I don't know," he finally says. "I've had to do things for my family that would definitely deserve such a title, but if I truly had a choice, I don't think I would have. At the same time, though, I don't hold myself up to such a high standard that I don't use magic to help myself from time to time. Nothing like stealing or murder, but I've definitely used it to turn the odds in my favor." He turns to me with a thoughtful expression. "Do you think that makes me evil?"

"I..." I pause for a moment, considering Gabriel's question. I can't deny feeling a sense of intrigue and curiosity about him and his family's past. But as I take a step back and think about the bigger picture, I realize that's not what matters right now. I harden my gaze and create some distance between us, wanting to make sure Gabriel understands the gravity of the situation. I cross my arms and ask, "Gabriel, what do you want from me?" My voice is firm and unwavering as I let some of my power bleed through, but I don't know how much of it takes as I don't see a visible effect.

He stares me down, trying to intimidate me into giving in. Once he sees I'm not going to budge, he sighs and says, "I need your help with breaking a curse that was placed on my family decades ago. Or rather... modifying it is much more accurate. My daughter—"

"You have a daughter?" I ask, surprised.

Gabriel tenses and looks pained, and I realize he didn't mean to reveal that information. He regards me curiously and seems to be considering his next words carefully.

Gabriel takes a deep breath and continues, "Yes, my daughter. My... wife," he spits out with contempt and disdain. "is holding her hostage with my family's support to ensure I follow through with the sacrifice."

His words hang heavily in the air as I try to process what I just heard. The weight of his emotions settles on my shoulders, and I can feel the gravity of his words. I take a moment to collect my thoughts before responding, "What kind of sacrifice?"

Gabriel's eyes meet mine, and I can see the pain and desperation in them but also a sort of reluctance. "Before I tell you, I need to know you'll help me. That you'll help save my daughter."

I take a deep breath, trying to wrap my head around the situation that I am currently in. As I look at Gabriel, a dangerous realization dawns on me. I replay the events of tonight in my mind, the memory of our flirty conversation, the drinks we shared, and the almost kiss we experienced, I can't shake off the unsettling sense of trepidation at Gabriel's behavior and his seemingly desperate need for my help.

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