20 • Remnants of Time: Part II

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🅔🅝🅙🅞🅨 🅡🅔🅐🅓🅘🅝🅖 🅜🅨 🅦🅘🅣🅒🅗🅔🅢 *:・゚✧*:・゚

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Phoebe leaned against the doorframe, tapping her fingers in a quick, anxious rhythm. Her brow furrowed with worry as she glanced around the dimly lit kitchen. Night had fallen outside the manor windows, but the room was illuminated by the dim kitchen lights. Gifts and food platters were haphazardly scattered across the counters and kitchen table, remnants of Piper's wedding celebration earlier that day.

Paige stood over a small black cauldron, adding the last ingredient to complete the potion. A small pop radiated through the room as Paige swiped away tendrils of steam that wafted up, causing her to squint her eyes against the vapors. "Oops."

"Paige, shh!" Phoebe's head whipped around, eyes wide with alarm as she sharply hushed her sister.

Paige flinched, then rolled her eyes. "What? Potions go poof, that's what they do." She shrugged nonchalantly, though a crease had formed between her eyebrows.

"Just hurry up. The sooner we make this blinding potion, the sooner we can take out the warlock." Phoebe gnawed on her lower lip, peering around the corner again with clear unease etched across her delicate features. "Come on, Ambrose," she muttered under her breath.

Paige glanced over her shoulder at Phoebe with raised eyebrows. "We're big time screwed if Ambrose really lost his powers," she remarked, swirling the contents of the pot with a wooden spoon. "How did that even happen?"

Phoebe shook her head, causing her long chestnut locks to sway. "Well, it's just his telekinesis. He still has his other powers."

Paige considered that for a moment, the spoon stilling in the pot. "Do you think the warlock breaking the figurine had anything to do with it?"

"What would Piper's and Leo's figurine have to do with Ambrose losing that power?" Phoebe's forehead creased with skepticism.

Paige shrugged one shoulder. "You know, butterfly effect. One small change could result in a big change in the future."

A puzzled frown tugged at the corners of Phoebe's mouth. "But wouldn't that affect his future? Or rather his present when we get back? He should be fine while we're in the past still, right?"

Paige sighed as she shook her head. "This time-travel business is starting to give me a headache." Paige pinched the bridge of her nose briefly. "I'm done. I just hope I didn't use any herbs we're gonna need in the future. I've already been to one alternate reality, I don't care to go home to another."

Phoebe groaned, raking a hand through her tousled hair in frustration.

"What's the matter?" Paige asked, arching an inquisitive eyebrow.

"I just can't believe Kit is really Katrina." Phoebe shook her head again, lips turning down at the corners.

"You're telling me. Though, I guess it makes sense." Paige's expression turned pensive as she recalled, "When I saw Kit, she reminded me of this old stray that used to hang outside my loft. I guess she was protecting me even back then."

A fond half-smile curved Phoebe's lips. "That's what familiars do," she said, reaching out to give Paige's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "This whole thing is sort of odd, it doesn't make any sense."

"Like half the things we go through do?" Paige quipped dryly, though the crease between her brows deepened.

"I know, but I'm starting to think Ambrose might have been right. The warlock did seem surprised to see us."

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