18 • Guardians & Sacrifices

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Inside the cramped nursery, Ambrose paced back and forth, his brow furrowed in concentration as he fussed over the intricate security system he had meticulously crafted. His lips moved in a silent murmur, his eyes flickering from one rune-inscribed crystal to the next as he debated the merits of each potential response.

"Should it immediately vanquish the demon upon entry?" he muttered, his fingers twitching as he traced the delicate etchings that adorned the crystalline surface. "Or perhaps it would be better to trap the demon in a force field, giving us the opportunity to interrogate it before deciding its fate."

His musings were interrupted by the sound of Piper's voice, laced with a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "Ambrose, would you come over here and stop worrying for just a minute?" she called out, her tone gentle but insistent. "Your nephew is trying to get your attention."

Ambrose's head snapped up, his eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and concern as he turned towards the source of the sound. His gaze flickered towards the crib that stood in the corner of the room, his features softening as he took in the sight of the tiny bundle that lay swaddled within its confines.

Wyatt Halliwell, the twice-blessed child, the one whose birth had heralded a shift in the very fabric of the magical world itself. Ambrose could feel the weight of that knowledge pressing down upon him like a physical force, a constant reminder of the responsibility that he had shouldered in ensuring the child's safety.

And yet, as he drew closer to the crib, his eyes meeting the bright, curious hazel gaze of the infant within, he could feel a sense of wonder and awe washing over him, a feeling that seemed to transcend the boundaries of his own fears and anxieties.

"Hey there, little guy," he murmured, his voice soft and gentle as he reached out to gently stroke the downy softness of Wyatt's cheek. "I'm your uncle Ambrose, and I'm going to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you."

A soft coo escaped Wyatt's lips, his tiny fingers reaching out to grasp at Ambrose's hand, and in that moment, Ambrose felt a surge of fierce protectiveness washing over him, a feeling that seemed to resonate deep within his very being.

"Wyatt Matthew Halliwell," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of reverence as he spoke the name aloud. "His first name is for his father, his middle name is for his very protective Aunt Paige, and his surname is Halliwell, for demons fear it, and good magic respects it."

A soft murmur of surprise rippled through the room, and Ambrose glanced up to see the curious gazes of Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Paige fixed upon him, their expressions a mixture of confusion and wonder.

"How did you come up with that?" Phoebe asked, her brow furrowed with curiosity.

Ambrose shrugged, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he turned his attention back towards the crib. "It just felt right," he murmured, his voice soft and thoughtful. "Like it was meant to be."

A soft cry escaped Wyatt's lips, the sound piercing the silence of the room like a physical force, and Ambrose felt a surge of panic washing over him as he turned towards the others with a look of concern etched across his features.

"We should consider putting a soundproof spell on the room," Piper suggested, her voice laced with a hint of weariness that spoke volumes of the sleepless nights that she had endured. "It might help to keep him from waking the whole neighborhood every time he gets fussy."

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