17 • Bloodlines & Birthrights: Part 2

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*🅔🅝🅙🅞🅨 🅡🅔🅐🅓🅘🅝🅖 🅜🅨 🅦🅘🅣🅒🅗🅔🅢 *:・゚✧*:・゚

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Gabriel sat on a park bench, the early afternoon sun casting long shadows across the well-manicured lawns. He watched as a little girl with dark, curly hair chased after a butterfly, her laughter carrying on the breeze. This was his monthly visit with his daughter, Evie, a precious hour that he cherished more than anything in the world.

As he observed her, a wave of sorrow washed over him. His life had been a series of sacrifices, each one more painful than the last. As the eldest son of a notorious line of dark witches, he had been raised to believe that his worth was measured by his willingness to put the family's interests above his own. The birth of Evie, however, had changed something within him. She was a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness, and he would do anything to protect her.

Gabriel's mind drifted back to his arranged marriage with Sereia, another dark witch from a powerful family. Their union was nothing more than a business transaction, a means to produce the next generation of sacrifices to ensure their families' prosperity. The memories of their intimate encounters were devoid of love, mechanical and cold, a stark contrast to the warmth he felt when he was with Evie.

Sereia had always been possessive, convinced that Gabriel was hers in every sense of the word—heart, soul, and body. She was a formidable witch, her power matched only by her ruthlessness. She had used their daughter as a pawn, keeping her hostage at the Armani estate to ensure Gabriel's compliance with the family's twisted traditions.

The thought of Evie being raised in that environment, tainted by the darkness of their magic, filled him with dread. He had to find a way to break the curse that bound him to his family, to free both himself and Evie from a life of servitude and sacrifice. But he knew better than to believe that his family could be saved. They were too far gone, their hearts blackened by years of intentionally inflicting pain and suffering on others.

Gabriel's gaze remained fixed on Evie, her innocent laughter a stark reminder of what was at stake. He had confided in Ambrose about his family's dark history and the curse that plagued them. Ambrose had evolved into something more than merely a coworker or a chance acquaintance with a Charmed One. Gabriel found it difficult to acknowledge, but Ambrose had grown into... a friend, a partner in his mission to safeguard his own destiny and that of his little girl.

Ambrose's own heritage as a member of the Maverick clan, the very lineage that cursed his family, gave Gabriel hope. If anyone could help him break the curse, it was Ambrose. But the plan they had devised was fraught with danger, and Gabriel knew that the consequences of failure could be catastrophic.

Gabriel's heart sank as he watched Sereia approach, her graceful stride belying the malice that lurked beneath her composed exterior. He knew her presence heralded the end of their time together, the conclusion of another fleeting hour in which he could pretend that he and Evie existed outside of the twisted expectations of their families.

Sereia's icy eyes settled on Gabriel, her gaze unwavering as she took a seat on the opposite end of the bench. Her thick, dark hair cascaded around her shoulders, her lips, stained red, curled in a slight smile that failed to reach her eyes. She exuded an aura of restrained power, the force of her personality filling the space between them. As always, her attention was fixed on Evie, her eyes shining with a possessive light that made Gabriel's skin crawl.

The bodyguards—two bulky warlocks employed by Gabriel's family—lingered nearby, their gazes alert as they scanned the park for any potential threats. They knew their role was to protect Evie, but their true allegiance lay with Sereia and the Armani family. They were there to ensure that Gabriel didn't attempt anything foolish, like running away with his daughter or trying to break the curse that bound them. Their presence served as a constant reminder of the dangers that loomed, even in the peaceful setting of the park.

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