21 • Ambrose in Wonderland: Part I

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Ambrose stood frozen, his eyes wide as he continued to stare at Prue. His heart raced, mind struggling to process the impossible sight before him. Prue was here, alive and breathing, casually flipping through the Book of Shadows as if nothing was amiss.

"Hello? Earth to Ambrose," Prue waved a hand in front of his face, her brow furrowing with concern. "You okay there? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Ambrose blinked rapidly, forcing himself to snap out of his daze. "I'm... fine," he managed, his voice hoarse. "Just... didn't expect to see you up here."

Prue's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she seemed to dismiss his odd behavior with a shrug. "Well, where else would I be? We've got work to do." She turned back to the Book, her finger tracing a line of text.

Ambrose stepped closer, peering over her shoulder at the open page. The intricate illustrations and handwritten notes detailed information about Celerity demons. He swallowed hard, recognizing the entry from his own studies.

"Celerity demons," Prue explained, her tone shifting to all business. "They've been on a witch-hunting spree lately. Three of them, to be exact. We're planning to summon and vanquish them tonight."

Ambrose nodded, recalling the information from his own timeline. "Right, they're known for their superhuman speed," he added, falling into the familiar rhythm of magical research.

"Exactly," Prue confirmed, a hint of approval in her voice. "And they feed on other demons to increase their power. Nasty pieces of work."

As Prue continued to brief him on their plan, Ambrose's gaze wandered around the attic. He was struck by how different it looked from his memories. The space was tidier, more organized than he'd ever seen it.

Weapons hung neatly on the wall, each one labeled and easily accessible. Magical artifacts were carefully stored in labeled containers, their power contained but ready for use. The entire attic had been transformed into a proper magical workspace, efficient and prepared for any supernatural threat.

Ambrose's mind raced, trying to process the surreal situation. Prue's presence alone was jarring enough, but the meticulously organized attic felt like a glimpse into an alternate reality. He forced himself to focus on Prue's words, anchoring himself in the familiar territory of demon research.

"Their speed makes them tricky to pin down," Prue continued, her finger tracing the intricate illustrations in the Book of Shadows. "We'll need to be strategic about this."

"What's the plan?" Ambrose asked, his voice steadier now as he slipped into the familiar role of magical strategist.

Prue's lips quirked into a half-smile. "Well, that's where you come in, little cousin. Your scrying skills are unmatched. We're hoping you can help us narrow down their location."

Ambrose nodded, grateful for a task to occupy his whirling thoughts. "I can do that. Any particular area we should focus on?"

"They've been targeting witches in the warehouse district," Prue replied, her green eyes sharp with determination. "Start there and we'll see what we can find."

As Prue outlined more details of their strategy, Ambrose couldn't help but notice a wistful note creeping into her voice.

"Times like these, I really miss Piper's freezing power," Prue sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It would make cornering these speed demons a hell of a lot easier, but Paige's powers are still effective."

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