22 • Ambrose in Wonderland: Part II

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Eucalyptus and pine. The scents wafted through Ambrose's consciousness, a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. He kept his eyes closed, savoring the gentle touch of fingers running through his braids. Jun's fingers. The familiar weight and warmth of his presence anchored him, a tether to reality after the chaos of his earlier breakdown.

Voices drifted around him, hushed yet urgent. Ambrose remained still, feigning sleep as he strained to catch their words.

"Any idea what caused it?" Paige's voice, tinged with worry.

A sigh from Jun. "None. He was fine when I left for work this morning."

"Same here," Prue chimed in. "We talked in the attic earlier. He seemed... mostly okay. A bit slow, maybe, but nothing alarming."

Ambrose's stomach clenched. He'd worried them all, caused this commotion. Shame burned in his chest, threatening to choke him.

"Could it be possession?" Phoebe's question hung in the air, heavy with implication.

"Unlikely," Jun replied. "Ambrose warded the manor against evil spirits, corporeal or not. Those sigils are rock-solid."

A moment of silence fell, thick with unspoken concerns. Ambrose fought the urge to open his eyes, to reassure them. But curiosity—and a gnawing fear of what he might see in their faces—kept him still.

"So we're back to square one," Paige muttered. "No idea what triggered this."

Prue's voice cut through the room, sharp and decisive. "The real question is, can he help us with the Celerity demons?"

Ambrose's breath caught in his throat. The demons. How could he have forgotten? Guilt clawed at him, threatening to drag him back into the spiraling darkness of before.

"Prue!" Paige hissed. "His health comes first."

"I know that," Prue shot back, her tone softening. "But we can't ignore the threat. Four against three—the Power of Four. Those are odds we can't pass up."

"She's got a point," Phoebe said, her voice measured. "But Paige is right too. We can't push him if he's not ready."

Ambrose's mind raced. They needed him. The Power of Four, their best chance against these demons. Ambrose's eyes fluttered open, the weight of his cousins' concern pressing down on him. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. With a deliberate motion, he pushed himself up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"I'm awake," he said, his voice rough from disuse.

A collective gasp filled the room. Jun's hand tightened on his shoulder, a comforting pressure.

"Ambrose!" Paige exclaimed, relief flooding her features. "How are you feeling?"

He managed a small smile, trying to project a confidence he didn't entirely feel. "I'm okay. Just... processing a lot."

Prue's eyes narrowed, skepticism etched in the set of her jaw. "Are you sure? That was quite the episode from what I heard."

Ambrose nodded, meeting her gaze steadily. "I'm sure. And I'm ready to help with the Celerity demons."

The sisters exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Ambrose could read their doubt, their concern. He straightened his spine, willing strength into his voice.

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