12 • The Witch's Origins

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Two hours ago...

The low hum of laughter and clinking glasses filled the dimly lit bar as Jun and I traded stories and banter over drinks. His soft brown eyes sparkled with amusement, his long black hair framing his handsome face. I couldn't help but notice how the soft glow of the overhead lights danced on his lean physique. It surprised me when Jun suggested we go out drinking since I noticed he doesn't really partake in the several premium liquors he has stocked in his bar. He argued he just wanted to do something more different tonight than what we have been doing. I had to agree because we had been frequenting more active places lately, such as a shooting range, amusement park, and even an aquarium. We eventually arrived at a nearby bar and spent half the night drinking and telling tales, enjoying a fun evening together. The bar had a cozy atmosphere, with dim lighting, comfortable seating, and a wide selection of drinks. I was particularly impressed with the bartender's skill in mixing cocktails. Jun and I talked and laughed as he finished telling me a story from his college days when he was dared to go streaking at a party. To my disbelief, Jun complied and actually went through with it. Since I've gotten to know him, I couldn't imagine him ever doing something like that.

I let him know this, and he just shrugged and said with a smile, "I was a different person back then," taking a sip of his bourbon.

We continued talking, and throughout the night, I realized I'd never seen Jun so relaxed in his demeanor. Not to say he doesn't have a calming presence, but he always looks so put together and without a hair out of place. It's... nice seeing him so open and vulnerable. As the night progressed, Jun began drooping slightly in his chair, and his words started to slur. We had been drinking for a while, but my demonic tolerance kept me only buzzed, while Jun was clearly starting to get drunk.

Jun began to raise his hand to call for another drink, but I placed my own over his and put it down.

"We should go," I told him. "It's getting late, and you've had more than your fill."

He sighs and pouts at me. "You don't even look drunk."

I chuckle at his cute face. "You're dealing with a demon. We come with a lot of perks, including high alcohol tolerance." I wink.

He groans and nods and goes to stand but stumbles. I quickly catch him wrapping an arm around his waist to steady him. He leans his weight against me as I lead us out of the bar and to the car. I help support him as we stumble out of the bar with me practically carrying him to the car. Once inside, he leans in close, his breath warm and smelling of liquor as he whispers in my ear.

"Y'know, Mason, you're a really nice guy." His fingers trail along my arm, making their way up to my neck. My pulse quickens under his touch. I try to brush it off, reminding myself that he was just drunk.

"Thanks, Jun. You're not so bad yourself," I managed to respond, albeit awkwardly trying to keep my voice steady. I shrug his hand off as I put the car in gear and began to drive us back to the penthouse.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have really, really nice eyes?" he blurts out. "Like, seriously, man, they're amazing."

I chuckle, finding Jun's inebriated state slightly comical. "Thanks, Jun."

"Seriously," Jun continues, his words slurred but insistent, "you're just...very attractive." He goes limp and leans against the window.

As we reached the penthouse, I try to keep a clear head as we ride the elevator up, but Jun continues to make several flattering compliments, and his hands begin roaming more freely on my body. The minute ride feels more like an eternity in hell, but once the doors ding and open, I retract my body away but keep a firm grip on Jun, leading him over to the front door. Jun struggles to open the door, almost dropping the keys. I step in to help, unlocking the door and giving it a slight kick to close it. Once inside, I lead Jun over to the kitchen and set him down on the island chair before grabbing him a glass of water to help him sober up.

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