09 • When I'm Gone

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"Okay, I think I'm ready," Cole says as he sets his suitcase and duffle bag beside him. He gazes around his apartment almost bittersweetly, but then the ghost of a smile graces his face. "Is it wrong of me to say I will miss this place? Despite everything that happened?"

I look at him contemplatively as I reminisce on my memories of the penthouse. The manipulation, the lies, and subsequently vanquishing Cole as the Source all happened here, so even though I may not hold the fondest memories of this place, I know that for him, there were some good memories of his and Phoebe's love.

"It's like that with anything in life. You have to be willing to accept any situation's good and bad. The love that you and Phoebe had was real, Cole. I promise you it was."

Those words seem to bring him some peace, and he lets out a tired sigh of relief, and he nods.

"Thank you, Ambrose," he says. "Truly."

I nod and smile. "You promise to stay in touch?"

"Of course," he bites his lip hesitantly before digging out an envelope from his coat pocket and handing it to me. "I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to ask, but I was hoping you wouldn't mind giving this to Phoebe."

I gingerly grip the envelope and see Phoebe's name signed in Cole's cursive. I don't know if Phoebe will want to read it. She's been so wishy-washy with how she feels about Cole, no matter how much she tries to hide it behind her anger and contempt. I pocket the envelope and give him a nod.

"Are you ready?" I ask him.

"Do you really have no idea where I'll end up?"

I shrug. "Nope. My intent is clear, though. The spell should send you somewhere to get a fresh start as the new you." I gesture at him.

He chuckles humorlessly and shakes his head. "I don't know who that is."

I nod assuringly and give him a comforting smile. "That's okay. You will with time."

He sighs and signals he's ready to leave. He grips his luggage tightly as I begin the spell.

"I call upon the spirits and the winds of fate to take this man and depart him from this place. Guide him safely and thoroughly on his journey of self-discovery."

Golden orbs of light shimmer around Cole, and he gives me one last smile before he fades away with the spheres as they fly out toward the balcony. I stare at where Cole used to be with a sad smile.

"Be safe, Cole," I mumble, hoping the words carry my wish.



I arrive at work and step off the elevator. Jasmine's eyes light up when she sees me and waves me over. I return her smile and approach the front desk.

"Good morning," she says cheerily, and then her voice drops. "Did you go to the staff party last night?"

"No." I shake my head, then add with a teasing smile. "But I did hear that things got pretty wild."

"That's not even half of it," she laughs and recounts last night's events.

A lot of it is similar to what Anthony told me. Everyone was obviously drinking, and drinks led to drunken games, which led to some exciting scenarios among our staff at the firm.

"And do you know Tony? The quiet, shy guy in admin? He got on the table and began stripping for everyone!"

"Seriously?" I barely manage to cover my mouth to hold in my laughter.

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