02 • Call Me A Telepath: Part II

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I recheck the address on my phone to ensure I'm at the right place, but there's no denying what's clearly right in front of me. I gaze up at the tall building where Jun supposedly lives, and I must say I am impressed, though not surprised since I found out he was wealthy. I walk through the revolving door and step into a grand lobby. My footsteps are muffled on the polished granite floor as I approach the front desk. The place's name, Le Ètienne or The Crown, is engraved on a white marble wall behind the front desk with water cascading down the sides. A woman stands behind the desk brightly smiling at me while a man stands to my right with his hands clasped.

"Good evening, sir, and welcome to Le Ètienne." Both of them greet me, still smiling.

"How may I assist you this evening?" The front lady asks.

I step closer to her, still awe-struck by the grand display of elegance the building holds, but I try to rein in my stunned expression. "Good evening. I'm supposed to be meeting Mr. Sandar."

"May I have your name, sir?" She asks politely.

"Ambrose Maverick."

"Thank you," she says and quickly hits some buttons on the phone. "Good evening, Mr. Sandar. Ambrose Maverick is here to see you. Should I send him up?" She waits for his response. "Okay. Have a nice evening, sir." She hangs up the phone. "He says to send you up immediately. Mr. Sandar lives on the top floor. Our concierge will escort you to the elevator. Have a nice evening, Mr. Maverick."

"You as well," I say and smile.

"If you wouldn't mind following me, sir." The man appears on my side without making a sound.

He leads me to the elevator, though it's not as if I couldn't find it myself. He hits the button for me, and the elevator doors open. He gestures for me to enter.

"Have a nice evening, sir." He tells me, and I return the sentiment.

I hit the button for the highest floor and ascend shortly after. The ride is short and sweet, and I'm deposited in a small hallway leading to a double-door entrance. I approach and knock lightly. I hear footsteps coming from behind the door and then a lock clicking, but when it opens, it's not Jun.

"Gael?" I ask, confused to see him here.

"Ambrose." He smiles and hugs me. I react a second too late and end up awkwardly patting his back.

"Sorry, I know you don't know me that well yet, but since we already met and we're most likely going to get to know each other even more, you should know I'm a hugger."

I open my mouth but decide to forego my initial response and just nod. "Okay."

"Come in." He opens the door and leads me in.

The only word I can think of is luxury. The apartment has a black and gold scheme to its layout, which gives it a modern feel, yet there's a sense of a classical nature. The long hallway I've stepped in has black floor tiles with veins and splinters of gold spilling out, and it seems to continue as we walk into the main living area. However, the wallpaper has changed from a mute beige to a black and gold leaf pattern. The furniture and decorative pieces all share a light brown color to them, from the very plush-looking sofa to the soft padded chairs. The windows are floor to ceiling and offer a fantastic view of the bay area. I glance at the kitchen and see an island with a dazzling light fixture above it. The kitchen has been supplied with the usual, but if it's like anything else I've seen, then the quality of the appliances are definitely high-end. As I'm taking all this in, I hear footsteps behind me and see Jun walking down the stairs in a black shirt and gray sweatpants. His hair is tied up in a messy bun, and dare I say, he looks sexy yet comfortable.

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