The confession part 2

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Me and Gabe were walking home together we lived in the same neighborhood so we're able to walk home together. I'm happy I'm able to walk home with someone especially Gabe... it makes me feel safe sometimes fans get a little to crazy and he protects me from creeps too. We don't live in a bad neighborhood it's just on the way here we past by some questionable places but I got caught up in the conversation we were having I didn't realize we are going a different way. I stopped walking.

"Gabe... where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, trust me"

I stood there for a little bit and realized Gabe would never do anything that would put me in harms way neither would he ever hurt me physically or mentally and it was very cold so I just decided to stay with him, I caught up to him and started walking with him again.

"We're almost there, Lui"

"Ok, but can we walk faster it's cold as fuck out here"


We started walking faster to this mysterious location. Once we made it to the location there was a gazebo with lights on it so it looked really pretty.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked him.

"I wanted to relax with you here" he replied

"Mhm, really? while it's cold?" I said sarcastically.

"Just come on, humor me?" He asked.

"Ugh fine"

We walked up to the gazebo and sat in it. Gabe took both of my hands and held them.


"Lui, I love you and I don't care if you reject m-"

I cut him off by pulling him in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He then pulled me in by my waist. We pulled away for air and my face heated up and I rested my forehead on his chest.

"I love you too, Gabe" I admitted.

I can't believe my best friend loves me back. I've loved since we started hang out at each other's houses. Once we finished at the gazebo we walked home.


Lui's pov
Me and Gabe were walking home together we did live in the same neighborhood after all. But I got so caught up talking with Gabe I realized we're walking somewhere else.
Lui: Um Gabe this isn't the way to our neighborhood
Gabe: Yeah I know
Lui: then where are we going?
Gabe: it's a surprise
I started to think where could he be taking me.
Gabe: We're almost there but I have to cover your eyes first
Lui: fine
I didn't like how he was keeping it a surprise but I was going to see it anyway so doesn't matter how he shows me. So he put his hands over my eyes and 1 minute later he took them off.
Gabe: Isn't it beautiful?
Lui: very

He took me to the gazebo at the end of the bright

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He took me to the gazebo at the end of the bright. We looked at the beautiful scenery together.
Gabe: I have something to confess Lui
Lui: well than go ahead
Gabe: I love you Lui shirosagi
At this point I was blushing so hard at what Gabe said
Lui: Y-You're joking you have to be! I'm not really lovable well that's what some people say
Gabe: I love your eyes,your smile,and how cute you are, the way you walk, your sassy tone, god Lui I love all of you
Lui: *blush* I-I love you too
I can't believe my best friend of 4 years loves me. I mean I loved him scenes we started hanging out at each others house. I went on my tippy toes and kissed him passionately. Then we walked to Gabe's house together.

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