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The Doctor let me see him. I opened the door to find him in the hospital bed, in a coma. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. I started crying again. This is all my fault. If I never pushed him to go to that stupid dinner or dance with me... this would have never happened. He could have just stayed home and stayed safe then I would be going home to him. I might not even go home with him at all anymore.

"Mr. Shirosagi?" The nurse says.

"Can you call me Mr Brunai?" I say. I might not be able to take his name after this...

"... yeah of course, Mr Brunai, I just came to tell you that the couch turns into a bed so if you want to stay here there's that"

"Thanks I will"

"... how about you go home first and get cleaned up and get into some comfortable clothes? Oh and bring a bag"

"No!... I-I'm not leaving him"

"We can have security outside the door and one inside? and of course I'll stay here too, if that helps, I just want to make sure you are also ok"

"... fine but I'm waiting till security comes" I say.

— the nurse calls security and Lui left to go home —

I made it home and I started sobbing while looking around our house. The same house we were going to create a family in (if yk no u don't 👀). I looked around and all the memories that we made together came to me. I looked at my phone and everyone was texting me asking if Gabe was ok or not. I went to take a shower. The cold water hit my skin. It's not the same without Gabe.

I haven't took a shower by myself since me and Gabe started dating and that brought tears to my eyes again. I finished my shower dried my hair and put it in a bun then I put on my pajamas. I went to our room and packed a bag. I then put on some socks and put on my slippers. I went out to the car and drove to the hospital. I went in and went up to the room he's in. I saw the security guards.

"Mr brunai" he says nodding to me and I nodded back and he opened the door.

I saw the nurse standing next to him, tired.

"Ah Mr brunai, you look so much more healthier"

"Thanks? I think..." I say not knowing if that was a compliment or not.

"Ok well we'll go, bye and make sure to get some sleep don't stay up worrying about him I promise we'll do our best to fix him right up" she says while leaving and the security guard following her.

"Bye" I say.

I placed my bag on the bed. She must of done it for me when I was at home. I pushed the couch closer to Gabe's bed and drifted off to sleep.

— the next morning —

I woke up and went to the bathroom. After I used the toilet I brushed my teeth. I went back to the couch and sat there and just watched Gabe. Then there was a knock on the door.

"There are people here to see you and Mr. Brunai" the nurse says opening the door for them to come in.

It was Gabe's parents, I should have called them yesterday and told them.

"I'm so sorry..." I say while tearing up.

"This is all my fault if I didn't take him to that dinner this would've never happened..."

"Oh Lui, you poor thing... this wasn't your fault, you had no way of knowing that was going to happen" Mrs Brunai says while they both hugged me and cried.

"I know but it's just-" I broke out crying and didn't finish.

"Sh sh sh, it's ok" She whispers to me.

— later that day —

I was getting ready for bed and I saw an envelope slip under the door. I opened it and read it out loud.

"Come outside and meet me on the right side of the hospital I know who shot your fiancé"

I put on my shoes and went outside. I ran to the right side of the hospital and saw free in a black tuxedo.

"Are you the one that knows who shot my fiancé?"

"Yes and it's terrible what happened to him really, but Lui I just wanted to say that you are just beautiful and I am deeply in love with you-"

I punched him in the stomach. Then I grabbed him and hit his stomach with my knee twice.

"Don't you fucking ever pull some shit like this on anyone! Also even if me and Gabe didn't happen or we broke up I'd never date you free, get that through your head!" I say while after running back into the hospital.

The nerve! Just because my fiancé is on the verge of dying doesn't mean I'll forget him just like that, he's not dead and even if he was I'd still be to busy mourning him and that's just so rude! I ran to Gabe's room and slammed the door from how angry I was but then my eyes laid upon Gabe and I calmed down. He'd never want me to be this angry. I laid in bed and tried to go to sleep but then a thought crossed my mind... what if free shot him or he had someone shoot him. That's stupid though, why try to kill him and then try to get with me? Not only that he thought I'd get with him just because Gabe's in a coma... HE THINKS IM A FUCKING SLUT! That bastard! I don't sleep/get with just anyone and definitely not him! Ugh he just gets me so mad! I should hire someone to sh-... no I'm better than him... or am I? If he tries something again I'll then hire someone. After that I just drifted off to sleep.

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