Telling the parents part 2

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Lui's pov
Gabriella and Carlos: hello ms shirosagi
Lui's mom: oh please call me Lucy
Gabriella: oh ok then and Lui how are you doing?
Lui: I'm doing good, thank you for asking
Gabriella: Gabe can you help me take out the food?
Gabe: sure thing mom
I saw that Lily was whispering to Gabe when we arrived. But I decided not to talk to her about it. Then we all sat around the table for dinner and ate. let me tell you that food was fucking good. Gabe's and his mother cooking is always so, so fucking good. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner anyway it was time to tell everyone.
Gabe: Ok everyone me and Lui have an announcement
Everyone except Lui: ok
Lui and Gabe: we are dating
The whole dining room went quiet
Lucy: I KNEW IT!
Lui and Gabe: ???
Lucy: sorry for yelling but I saw this coming a mile away and I'm so happy you two are finally dating
Lui: Really you're not mad?
Lucy: Why would I be? Lui I love you with all my heart I will never be mad at you for loving who you love.
All three of his sisters: Same here!
But Laura looked a bit skeptical about Gabe but it doesn't matter. I hugged my family so tight.

Gabe's pov
Gabe: Dad, mom I'm gay are you mad?
Gabriella: my son I will always love and support you so no I'm not mad at all.
Carlos: same here son and sorry for pressuring you earlier
I hugged my parents and then went to Lui
Gabe: See I told you everything will be fine, my love
Lui:*smiles* yeah you did
Then I kissed Lui and he stayed over.

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