Coffee shop ☺️

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OKKK BUT LISTEN TO THE SONG ITS LIKE GIVING THIS VIBE (they both are but "hold me, never let go" is more the vibe)

I heard the bell ring meaning someone walked in. (Like a door bell but it's an actual mini bell on the door that rings when you open the door)

"I'll be with you in a minute!" I said cleaning the coffee machine.

Once I was done cleaning I turned around and saw Lui.

"Hi, Gabe"

"Lui! Since when were you back?!" I said going around the counter to hug him.

"I flew in this morning and I wanted to see the coffee shop my friend had opened up while I was gone, five stars and everything, it's beautiful, you did a great job" he said.

"Well thank you, now what would you like? Or do you still like black coffee?" I said going back behind the counter.

"Heh yeah I'll have that"

"Ok" I said as I put in his order in the register.

"Say, Gabe, what time do you have your break?"

"At 2:30, in like an hour"

"How about once I get my coffee I'll come back and I can spend your break with you? Unless you're busy or-"

"No, no I'd love that actually" I said.

"Ok, then I'll pick you up at 2:30"

"Ok and your coffee will be done in 5"

"Wait what? How much was it?" He asked.

"Oh no it's on the house"

"No that doesn't seem right..."

"It's ok really plus your spending my break with me that'll pay it off"

"... ok fine if you insist"

He sat down at a table and I began making his coffee. Once it was done I brought it to him.

"Mm thank you Gabe, you alway made the best coffee" he said taking a sip out of his coffee.

"You're welcome and thank you it's what I do best"

After a few minutes passed he was finished.

"Thank you Gabe and I'll see you later" he said.

"Bye!" I said taking his cup.

I went back behind the counter and blushed while washing his cup. I smiled while remembering that he's coming back in 50 minutes.

"Yo Gabe!" A voice said pulling me from my thoughts.

I turned around and found Kyo, Katana, and Shinki.

"Oh hey guys!"

"Oh did Lui already pass by?!" Kyo asked.

"Maybe..." I said smiling.

"He did! Are you gonna ask him out?!" He asked very loudly.

The whole shop looked at us.

"Oh? Gabe's asking out that boy?" The elderly woman asked.

Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now