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Warning: a lot of cuss words

"Oh l'm so going to win this! Maybe I'll even win against that Lui kid!" Some kid said.

I couldn't believe my ears these bitches were mocking me!.. I shouldn't say anything it'll only create more problems and I know everyone knows that I'll beat them in a minute well that's what Gabe would say to calm me down anyway. I took a deep... deep breath and tried to think of Gabe and stay calm.

"I mean how bad can a little kid be?!"

"I Know right?! Like that's just embarrassing to lose to him!"

Fuck it.

"Do we have a fucking problem?!" I yelled.

"Uh oh"

"Because it seems to me we fucking do!"

"Oh you know what yeah we do have a problem!"

"Nonono we don't!" The other friend said.

"You act like you're all high and mighty but really you're just some kid who got lucky! You're not special!" The first kid said, getting up in my face.

I punched him in the stomach. He then fell to his knees and I pushed him back so he was laying down and started to punch him.

"I've worked so fucking hard for everything i've got! And I'm not about to let some brat tell me otherwise! You probably have no i-fucking-dea because you clearly haven't worked hard a day in your worthless life!"

"Lui!" I heard a voice. I stopped and looked up to see Gabe.

He looked terrified. It must be from how the boy looked but the only one he was looking at was me and me only like there wasn't a boy under me and a boy watching. I looked down at the boy below me and he was pretty fucked up. Bloody noise, black eye, and bruises. My throat went dried so I didn't feel like talking to Gabe and I got up and walked away, my legs felt weak, and numb. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. I felt Gabe watching me he was standing at the door I knew that.


"Just-just not right now"

He came up to me with my hands still wet and hugged me.

"It's ok Lui, breathe"

I took a deep breath in and let out a shaky breath.

"I wanna go home"

"Ok, ok" he said kissing my head.

He took my hand and lead me out. Once we were outside we found our car and went home. Once we got home I unlocked the door.

"How about we go take a bath?" He suggested.

"Yeah-yeah that sounds nice"

Gabe went upstairs and I followed. I sat on the toilet as he turned on the tub. He lifted my head and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck. He pulled away and started taking off his clothes. I saw the tub was almost full and started doing the same. He stopped the water and sat in the tub at the end. I got in and sat in between his legs so my back was to his chest. He kissed up my neck and held my hand.

"Lui, my love, dear-" Gabe began.

"I know, I know I shouldn't have done it" I admitted.

"First, what happened? what made you act that way?" He asked.

"He-he fucking-" I began.

"Slow down, deep breathes, and try not to cuss" he said as I followed his directions.

"Ok, ok, he was mocking me, he made it seem like everyone who has lost to me were just fools and really weak and that I got lucky and they said it's embarrassing to lose to me" I said has Gabe kissed my neck and shoulder.

"He made me feel worthless like all the hard work I did was for nothing or like I didn't work hard" I said looking at the lights.

"I'm sorry that happened I should've been there to try and calm you down just try to please just do the breathing exercises and know that they aren't worth your time and you'll beat them in the match" He said.

"Also... you're strong enough to kill somebody and we can't have you going to prison" he added.

"Yeah that's true... I don't look good in orange, ew"

"Ok Lui" Gabe said while laughing.

Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now