The team being them

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No one's pov
Gabe: how the fuck did you trip on the stairs? 😂
Lui: alright look my legs are short and they were giving up, ok?! Cut me some slack! 😂
The whole team: 😂
They continued to laugh for 10 minutes straight.
Teacher: detention, all five of you for disrupting the class!
Lui: what?!
Kyo: Aww man!
Shinki: detention just for that?!
Katana: we were just having fun!
Gabe: you haven't even started the class!
Teacher: because we are waiting on you guys!
Gabe: oh
The whole team: 😂🤣😂🤣
Teacher: that's it go to the principles office!
And they kept laughing all the way to the principles office.

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