Gabe giving Lui a make over

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No one's pov
Gabe: can I do your hair, my love?
Lui: yes...
Lui said half asleep not really hearing what Gabe asked.
Gabe: Ok yay!
Gabe started to get the brush to do lui's hair. As he walk up to the dresser he saw Lui's sisters bows then a idea pop into his head. Gabe can do two pigtails with bows on Lui. Gabe went back to the bed and started brushing lui's hair. Gabe gently parted lui hair in the middle he put lui's hair into two pigtails.
Gabe: you look so cute, my love
lui: let me see, please
Gabe: no I'm not done yet I got to put in something special
Gabe got one pigtail and put in a bow then he did the other side.
Gabe: ok I'm done let me get a mirror
Gabe got the mirror.
lui: what the fuck is this
Gabe took a picture.
Gabe: I'm going to post this on Snapchat
Lui: NO!
Gabe: can I please do your nails too
Lui: after what you did? No
Gabe: please I'll give you lots of kisses?
lui: fineee 
Gabe got up and got the nail polish.
Gabe: I do purple because it's your favorite color
Lui: ok
Gabe painted lui's nails purple.
Lui: you actually did a great job on them
Gabe: thanks and you look so cute
Gabe kissed Lui on his lips.
Gabe: I love you, my love
Lui: I love you too, babe

(My friend Vanessa -Vanessaatbooklover- helped me well kinda did the whole story with this one so shout out to her)

Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now