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This is just a story idea I thought of while talking to my lovely friend Iloveshipsandlemons so don't be to sad it's technically not real they'll be together and happy after theses few chapters

Also warning ⚠️: smut

I woke up in the arms of my fiancé. I stared at him while he slept, peacefully. Then I stared at my ring. I still can't believe he proposed to me a month ago. We want to wait a little while before we get married because of how busy we both are. I then carefully got out of bed to use the bathroom but I woke the sleeping giant.

"Mm, baby? where are you going?"

"The bathroom you wanna come?"

"Might as well"

He got up and followed me to the bathroom. I used the bathroom first than he. I brushed my teeth as he finished then he sat on the toilet waiting for me to be done.

"What are we doing today again?" Gabe asked.

"We have the annual high-ranked beyblader dinner, remember?" I replied after spitting the toothpaste mixed with water out.

"Oh yeah... do I really have to go? Won't I be out of place? I'm not really a high ranking beyblader at least not as high ranking as you"

"Nonsense you're just as good as a beyblader as me now-"

I gave him a quick kiss.

"Go brush your teeth and I'll make both of us some breakfast, ok?"


-later when it was time for the dinner-

Me and Gabe were sitting on the couch watching a movie and I picked up my phone to check the time.

"Oh shit, we should probably get ready for the dinner" I recommend.


We both went to the bathroom and hopped in. I was leaning back and rising my hair and Gabe put his hands on my waist and started kissing my neck and chest.

"Gabe!" I say while giggling and placing a hand on his head.

"What? I can't kiss my beautiful fiancé?"

"Not while he is rinsing conditioner out of his hair!" I say while giggling again.

He continues and kisses me on the lips and we started making out.

"Let's continue this later ok? We don't want to be late to din-" Gabe says.

"Oh to hell with that dinner" I say while kissing him again and I jumped and he catches me, pinned me on the wall.

We had another heated make out session. He pushed his dick in and started thrusting in me. I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him.

"Oh my! Gabe!~" I moaned.

"Fuck Lui!~"

-I had to let Gabe hit it one more time ✋🤚 sue me-

After me and Gabe finished our... uh session and shower we got ready. I put on my black dress, it was nothing to fancy it was just a short plain black dress. I did a half up half down with my hair and I put on this sliver necklace Gabe got me and my fur coat and some black heels.

"Whoa! Is that the Lui Shirosagi looking so fine?!"

"Shut up" I say while giggling.

"You don't look that bad yourself"

"I know I look like that bitch"

"Ok Gabe" I say while giggling again.

"Ok let's go"

We went to the car and he opened my door for me and then he went to his side of the car. Gabe placed a hand on my thigh then we drove to this dinner. We made it to the dinner Gabe opened my door and while I was getting out cameras were flashing everywhere. He held his hand out and I took it. Then we ran inside the building where the dinner was being hosted. We weren't that late but everyone was already sitting down and Zac was making his annual long speech to everyone. Me and Gabe quietly sat down.

"Nice of you two to join us" Free says.

Everyone pauses and looks at us.

"Oh yes hello everyone how is everyone today? Sorry we were so late it was the traffic and ugh the fans, am I right?" I say.

Everyone agreed to the fan comment and Zac went back to the speech.

"Traffic my ass, Lui" Free whispered to me.

"What else do you want me to tell you Free, huh?"

"Tell me the true, that you two were probably fucking in the car"

"It wasn't even in the car and so what if it was? That is none of your business at all so I suggest you shut up and listen to Zac's speech"

"Ok whatever"

After the speech we ate and it was delicious. Gabe looked a little uncomfortable especially after what Free said but everyone else was welcoming towards him. When we were all done we all slowed danced with our plus one's.

"You sure you don't want to dance Gabe?"

"Yeah I'm ok"

"Ok then I'll stay with you"

"If you're not gonna dance with Lui I can" Free says.

"Oh fuck off Free, I'm definitely not dancing with you" I say.

"I'm just asking, if Gabe doesn't want to dance-"

"I'll dance with Lui"

"No Gabe you don't have to really plus my feet are starting to hurt too so it's ok really"

"You just don't wanna show off your new plus one not surprised though with all the other ones you never danced with them either"

I took off my heels and dragged Gabe to the dance floor. I laid my hand in one of his hands and placed his hand on my waist and we danced.


My ears were ringing and I couldn't think straight. My hands were on my ears, hoping the pain would go away. I tried looking up and I saw everyone running and pushing me and Gabe... He was on the floor covered in blood. I tried to look and see if there were any actual wounds or if he was just covered in blood. Then my hearing came back and I forced on Gabe's well being and he was shot.... I kneeled down and held him close to me and I called the ambulance.

"Gabe come on, stay alive for me please" I started crying.


"Yes, yes! It's me baby, j-just stay awake for me ok?!" I say while Sobbing and holding him tight and close to me.

After what seemed like forever the ambulance and the police were here. The ambulance took him and they let me in. I sat there doing nothing while they tried to do everything to keep him alive.

-when they got to the hospital-

I'm in the waiting room of this hospital waiting to see if Gabe is ok. I really hope he is. Tears started running down my cheeks again. I wiped them away.

Part two cuz this getting to long

Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now