✨future plan's✨

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"Lui?" My lover said coming up to me

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Can I ask you questions about our future?"

"Sure, babe"

"Ok, so first one is do want to get married or do you not believe in that? If so what age?"

"Yes, I'd want to get married and as for age I don't really have a certain age for when"

"Ok, my next question is do you want kids? If yes before or after marriage? Me personally, I want kids"

"Yeah I don't mind having one or two with you and as for before or after marriage I don't really care when we have them, whenever we plan to have them"

"Wait as for marriage our who's taken who-"

"I'd like to take your name but I like my name though so I'm not to sure"

"Or I can take your name" he suggested.

"But then I don't want you to have a big name and feel like you have to keep up with it, if that makes sense, but I definitely want our kids to have your last name"

"Ok, I understand"

"And I'll decide when the time comes-"

I then kissed his cheek.



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