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I don't know I thought of questions they can answer don't ask me why

Me: Gabe! Lui! Gabe! Lui!

"What?!" Me and Gabe both yelled.

Me: I have questions to ask both of you concerning your relationship.

"Oh that's it? Sure. Girl I thought you were yelling about something serious" I said.

"Fr I thought someone died" Gabe chimed in.

Me: first question is for Gabe mostly, is Lui aggressive towards you in anyway? Considering we know what he's like.

"Not at all and I can see where you would get that question but he's nice and caring to me and when he's aggressive towards someone else I'm usually one of the only people that can calm him"

Me: this is for both of you, what are the others kinks?

"Lui over here is a-"

"SHUT UPPPP!! This is embarrassing!!!"



"Also big dick kink, anddd biting kink well biting me that is"

I covered my face with my hands.

"There's nothing embarrassing about it there plenty of people who worship their partners muscles plus I'm sure no one can blame you I mean just look at my muscles"

"Ok Gabe, anyway this bastard has a titty kink that's it really"


Me: Do you two think you two will be forever or will last a long time?

"Yes" we both simply said.

Me: Gabe is the relationship mostly you giving him stuff or does he buy you stuff to?"

"He buys me a lot of stuff I think he buys me more things than I buy him to be honest"

Me: are y'all has lust filled as I write y'all to be?

"Not really I mean we fuck here and there but not all the time of course we can't really have it all the time his dick fucking destroys me"

Me: are y'all friends with any there bladers?

"Are we really?"

"Ehh oh Silas?"

"Oh yeah he's the blade blader that pisses me off the least and he's cunty like me soo yeah"

"I like Xander he's nice to talk too"

Me: would or have y'all ever had an open relationship or threesomes?

"Fuck no" I said.

"Yeah no" Gabe chimed.

Me: have y'all thought about having kids?

"oh yeah a lot"

"We even talked about it when we were younger like teens because Lui believed and still does that we'd have beautiful kids"

"Because we would!"

"I agree I'm just saying"

Me: favorite thing about each other?

"Gabe's muscles! Truly impressive one of the reason why I joined ride out I wanted to know what he was eating" I said hugging his arm.


"Oh no not to try and get has big has you so I can learn how to make your favorite meals"

"Aww that's cute"

"What about you?"

"Oh boy, Does it have to only be one thing?"

Me: yeah

"I'm stuck between eyes or smile... I'll go with your smile"

Me: are ya'll into other hubbies besides blade bladed?

"I like playing guitar I also like running I guess clears my mind" Gabe said.

"I play piano well I use to, and I should get one and I ice stake I use to do Olympic ice staking"

"oh yeah *sigh* sad you still don't do Olympic ice staking, those videos of you ice staking were beautiful" Gabe said.

"I can ice stake just for you, private show"


Me: ok that's it

Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now