Cuddles and kisses

15 0 0

After the match with vault and he beats Lui...

"Hey... Lui?" Gabe gently asked while looking at the little fire haired boy train while resting along the door.

It felt... different this time.

There was this aura around him... and it filled up the room. It felt intense but it didn't feel like he was mad or something.

"Huh?" Lui replied.

"Are you ok?" Gabe asked.

"Yeah, of course"

"You... you sure?"

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" Lui asked.

"Oh you know because of what happened with you know vault like an hour ago" the taller boy said.

Lui let go of the machine and walked towards Gabe and cupped his face.

"Baby, I'm fine, really, I had fun and it's just intense in here because I want to train harder so I can become even stronger"


"Really, sure I'm a little sad and disappointed but it's nothing" The shorter boy confessed.

"Mmmoookk if you say so... but just know I'm here if you ever need/want to talk about it" Gabe said kissing his head.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" Lui said turning around walking back to the machine.

"And lui?"


"I'm really proud of you and the way you're handling this"

Lui paused and looked back.

"Thanks, well I should be thanking you because it was all for and because of you"

"You're welcome, I'm happy to be the reason you're changing and to see that growth"

Lui had a soft smile and grabbed the machine.

- when they get home -

Me and Gabe had finished taking a bath together. He laid down on the bed, I was putting my hair up in a ponytail. Once I was done I laid on his chest and he held me tight and kissed my head.



"... I know I said I wasn't that sad or anything but I'm actually very disappointed in myself because it's like if I just tried a little harder or pushed myself harder maybe I would've defeated him"

"Hey... it's ok, you did the best you could and in the end you still had a smile on your face that's all I care about really" Gabe said kissing my head as I laid on my back.

"Yeah I did do my best and after I train harder my best right now will be better!" I said.


Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now