Telling the parents part 1

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[Remake] also I don't really like the idea of Lui having sisters anymore so I took them out and there is no part two to this

It's been a month since Gabe told me how he felt and we've been dating ever since. Today we decided to tell our parents that we're dating.

Gabe: So we're gonna tell our parents at dinner tonight?
Lui: Yep... I think
I'm just... nervous
Why? You're mother knows your gay
Not that, what if your parents don't like me dating you? Being friends is one thing but dating is another
Lui, they know you and love you too they'll be happy
*sighs* I hope you're right
I'll leave you to get ready now, bye
Ok now what to wear...

After the call me and Lui had I went downstairs to help my mom set up the table and help with dinner. I grab the plates from the cabinet and placed one by one on the table.

"Hey, Gabe, do you have a girlfriend" my dad asked me.



"What I can't know?!"

My face heated up while I thought about Lui.

"There is someone who?!"

"Gabe, you don't have to tell your father if you don't want to!"

I want to tell them about me and Lui but I can't not yet.

"Not now later our guests will be coming soon"

After a little while I heard the doorbell ring and I opened the door for Lui and his mom. Me and my parents greeted them.

"Hello, Lucy! So nice to see you again how are you?" My mom said hugging Lui's mom. Our moms are friends with each other.

"Hi Gabby! (Her names still Gabriella Lucy just calls her gabby) I'm doing great today you?"

"Amazing and Lui how about you?"

"I'm doing good"

"That's good, come in come in!"

They sat around the table and my mom asked me to help her with the food. I helped her bring out the food and place it on the table. Everyone grabbed what they wanted and we ate.

"Ms. Brunai, your cooking never fails to amaze me, it's so good" Lui said after we finished.

"Aw thank you, Lui"

"... mom, dad, and ms. Shirosagi?"

They paused and looked at me.

"Yes?" My mom asked.

I held Lui's hand.

"Me and Lui are dating we have been for the past month"

The room went quiet.

"I knew it!"

"You knew we were dating?"

"I knew that one day that ya'll date, honestly Lui how couldn't you tell he liked you before you two started dating?"

"You knew he liked me and didn't bother telling me?!"

"Uhhh yeah! You two had to figure it out I wasn't about  to spoil it for Gabe and not let him confess"

"Ok, mom"

"Honestly Gabe we kind of knew too well I did I don't know about your father"

"Oh yeah sorry about earlier"

"It's ok"


Lui's pov
It's been a month since Gabe told me how he felt and we began dating ever since. I'm so nervous and excited because today me and Gabe were going to tell both of our parents that were dating and obviously gay.
-on a call-
Gabe: So the plan is you tell your parent/whole family that my parents invited them for dinner which they did. Then after dinner we tell everyone that we're dating/gay. Sounds good?
Lui: But what if my mother doesn't accept me I only have her as a parent and I only have one mother
Gabe: Lui, my love everything will be fine
Lui: yeah sorry I'm just nervous I don't want to lose my mother or my sister's
Gabe: I understand I'm nervous too but anyway I'll leave you be to get ready bye, my love
Lui: bye Gabe
Ok now what to wear...

Gabe's pov
I just went off of the call me and Lui were in I went down stairs to set up the table then help my mother cook dinner.
Gabe's dad: Hey son do you have a girlfriend?
Gabe: dad!
Gabe's mom: Carlos!
Carlos: What I can't know?!
I started to blush thinking about Lui and my dad noticed that.
Carlos: So there is someone who?!
Gabe's mom/Gabriella: Carlos! Gabe, you don't have to answer your father if you don't want to
I wanted to tell them about me and Lui but not yet.
Gabe: Not now later our guests will be coming soon
I heard the doorbell ring and I went to open the door for Lui's family. Me and my parents greeted them.
Lily: Gabe can you come kneel down I need to ask you something
Gabe: sure
So I kneel down.
Gabe: What ya want to ask me
Lily: *whispers* Do you love my brother like are you two dating?
Gabe: *whispers* Yeah but don't tell anyone ok?
I knew Lily was never going to tell anyone about us if I asked her not to

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