Lui cooks and bakes

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Gabe's pov
Lui: I can cook dinner for us today if you don't want to
Gabe: you can cook?
Lui: yeah my mom taught me
Gabe: why don't you cook more often?
Lui: cuz I don't feel like it and your cooking is wayyyy better than mine
Gabe: k
Lui: oh and I can bake cookies after if you want
Gabe: yeah!
-he's done cooking and they ate it-
Gabriella: the food was great, thank you!
Gabe: yeah it really was, thank you!
Carlos: yeah thanks!
Lui: you're welcome!
My pov
Me: let me get some!
Me: yes it is I
Lui: Who are you?!
Me: I'll tell you if you give me food
Lui: deal
So he gave me food and that shit was good!
Me: alright let me introduce myself, my name is Jannell!
Lui: hi my name is L-
Me: I already know what your name is, Lui and Gabe's well I know everyone's name
Everyone: HOW?!
Me: anyway gotta go!
Me: nooooo

Gabe x LuiWhere stories live. Discover now