Gabe also being Lui's bodyguard

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⚠️Warning ⚠️  creeps (lui getting aggressively hit on by a dude who can't take no)

Me and Gabe were in the living room watching Luna play with her toys.

"I wanna drink..." I said.

"Lui we still have whiskey-"

"Shhhh let's go to a bar"


"I wanna go and be outside when's the last time we've been out since I had Luna?"

"Ok but who would we leave Luna with?"

"Your mother, duh, I'll call her now actually"


I rang up his mom.

"Yes lui?"

"Hi, I was wondering if you'd like to watch over Luna for us we wanna go to out tonight"

"Oh I'd love too!"

"Ok! See you at 8?"


"Ok bye see you then!"


"She said yes?" Gabe asked.

"Yes! She's coming at 8"

The time was 7:30.

"Come on we gotta get ready"

"Ugh do we have to go to the bar?"

"Come on we can get a VIP section and we'll have fun just us... and I can wear that outfit you like~" I say while cupping his face.

"Ugh why must you do this to me? I'm gonna start the shower"

He got up and went upstairs to turn the shower on.

"Luna are you ok to stay down here by yourself? Or do you wanna come upstairs with us?"

"Upstairs!" She said raising her arms to show she wanted me to pick her up.

"Ok and up we go" I said while picking her up.

I went upstairs and entered my room and placed her on the bed and turned the TV on. I then went into the bathroom (in the room) and locked the door behind me.

"Is Luna up here?"


"Ok" he said has he took off his shirt.

I placed a hand on his abs not in a sexual way I'm just amazed by them. Then I trailed my hands up to his chest and then to his muscular arms. Then he took off my shirt. We took off our pants as well as our underwear and went into the shower. We lathered soap on ourselves and rinsed off. I touched his ads again and he kissed my head. We hopped out of the shower and dried ourselves off. We got dressed in the bathroom since our daughter was in our room. I started to put on my underwear, then I put on a turtle neck top with no sleeves. Then I put some baggie vintage jeans on. My accessories were in the room. Gabe had some jeans and a plan T-shirt.



"That shirt hugs your muscles really well"

"Ok Lui let's go"

I giggled has he opened the door.

"Dada!" Luna yelled.

He picked up our Luna and held her close.

"Hi, again" he said kissing her head and sitting on the bed.

I put on Gabe's leather jacket and put on earrings and a necklace. We heard the door bell ring. We went downstairs and opened the door to find Gabe's mother. We let her in and she sat in the living room.

"Alright bye, my baby" I said kissing Luna's head.

"Bye, our little star" Gabe said.

"Bye-bye!" She said.

Then we walked out the house and locked the door behind us. We got in the car Gabe then started the car and we were on the way to the bar.

-they go to the bar and got VIP and ordered a bottle of wine-

We opened the bottle of wine and poured some in our glasses we-well I got whiskey and two margaritas wine is light work. We joked and laughed. I drunk two glasses of wine and whiskey Gabe only had two glasses of wine. I was sitting close to him and he kissed up my neck and whispered things to make me laugh. We both weren't drunk, me I was tipsy the wine hasn't hit Gabe yet though.

"Honey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom wanna come?" He said kissing my shoulder.

"No, I'll stay here I want to finish my drink"

"Ok I'll be right back just sit and look pretty"

"Ok, Gabe"

I took a sip of my drink and looked around the bar from where I was sitting. I saw a man coming up to me.

"Hey" he said.

"Yes? Do you want an autograph?"

"... how about your number?"


"Are you deaf? I said I want your number"

"Are you blind? Can you not see the ring on my finger?"

"Ooh so that's who that man was... you can't have friends?"

"Ew no, you look like you haven't bath in years"

"Come on I may seem gross but I can give you everything you need~"


He then proceeded to sit down and get close to me. I tried to move away from him but he hasn't getting it. He then was going to touch my thigh but I slapped his hand away but he then started grabbing my wrist, squeezing.

"Stop! Let me go! You're hurting me!" I said struggling a to get him off of me.

"Stop moving! Let me-!"

"Do we have a problem here?" Gabe asked.

The man let go of me and I jumped up and got behind Gabe.

"No, s-sir we uh just had a misunderstanding"

"A misunderstanding? Why would you put your hands on my husband over a misunderstanding?" Gabe said getting closer to him.

"Nonono I'm sorry I don't want any problems I just thought-" he said getting up and backing away.

"Well you shouldn't have thought about touching anybody period now get lost" he said.

The man ran out the bar.

"That was so bad ass Gabe!"

"Huh? You think?"

"Yeah" I said feeling his muscles.

He kissed my head.

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